It Is Time

I sat curled up on my favorite chair.  The living room was blanketed in sun and I could see the faint steam floating from my coffee as it sat on the window sill.  I clicked to open my accounts, first Google+, then Twitter and finally Facebook.  I fell into what has become my usual morning summer routine.  I clicked through my notifications on my Google+.  I reshared a few, I pinned a few and those pinned resources would be tweeted out automatically.  I headed over to my Facebook page and did the same…like and reshare and maybe even comment on a few.  I opened my email and saw an email notification for one of the blogs I followed letting me know there was a new post.  I clicked on it and headed over to to read the post.  My bloggy friend shared a story about her daughter.  I smiled as I read her words.  This post reminded me of other stories and the journeys I had gotten to know her through.  I scrolled down to the comment section and I began to type. I shared with her my thoughts, my feelings, my words. I closed the tab and  headed back over to Google+ to read some more posts and collect some more ideas.

Suddenly I stopped and stared at the screen.

An emptiness sat inside me.

What the heck was I doing I thought?

What the heck have I been doing all summer for that matter?

All summer I had been consumed with gathering and sharing.  It left me full of more information than I had ever gathered and learned before.  My knowledge was deeper and richer than it ever before. And  I had even made a few really incredible connections with some amazingly educators.

I paused.

An emptiness was still there. Continue reading “It Is Time”