Amy and Her #Sixthings

I continue to be in awe of the amazing people I meet through Twitter and blogging.  Shirley and I started out as the original Kindred Adventurers, just the two of us.  Today we find our lives enriched and our adventures more exciting because of the people that join us everyday. 

When Shirley and I started this adventure she was instantly friendly, out going, honest and spoke her mind.   Most of all Amy was kind, completely accepting, tolerated an unending amount of technology questions and was just really fun to tweet with. I enjoyed tweeting with Amy and getting to know her. I began to follow her on Accidential Musings and I even took a peek at Social Pollen when she started it all (I’ve loved watching it grow).  I learned that she is a strong women who is not ashamed of her weaknesses.  She passionately shares her points of views and will proudly and intellectually defend them.  She loves and embraces her children for exactly who they are even when they drive her crazy ….and she is  a romantic.  

This brings me to my latest adventures with Amy…

2,000 tweets ago when Amy (@amydpp) was approaching 22,000 tweets she put a shout out asking for others to list #sixthings.  Amy, just wanted to reach her 22,000 mark…at least that is what she thought.

I remember seeing her tweet.
I instantly thought, “Oh, I am going impress Amy with my knowledge of everything that is Amy.”

I instantly began sharing everything I knew about her.  After letting me get up to at least number four Amy so kindly let me know that #sixthings was not about her.  She wanted share #sixthings about herself and we could share #sixthings about ourselves too.  Lets just say thank goodness no one can see you when you are on twitter.  I wanted crawled in a hole and could have blinded someone with the shade of red on my face.  

Four rounds of #sixthings later I find myself looking forward to Sunday nights on Twitter.  I look forward to joining up with Amy. I love sharing about myself, learning about others and connecting with new and interesting people.
I hope that you will join 
…. and yes of coarse Shirley @yourgirlshirley  has joined in too 
for #sixthings
Want to see #sixthings in action give this a  
Amy has some each adventure there for you to see:

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