Sharing Their Words

I love when I smile.

I love when I am inspired.

I love when words move me… I mean make me sit up taller, energy up my test, make me say woooooooow move me.

There are some many beautiful and inspiring writers out there.  I have some favorites.  Others I find by accident.  My favorite part about reading someone else’s work is when the words fly off the page at me and move me deep down inside.  It is even better if they are the words of a friend.

I Listened

I sat on the floor, my legs crossed indian style.  My thoughts weighed on me and heart ached.  An unfamiliar inner voice whispered to me.  It nagged at me.  It spoke to me in a dream.

“Don’t you love me?” it spoke.

I twisted the solitare diamond ring on my left finger as I stared at the floor.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.  The air in my chest held me up and fueled my courage.    I looked up at him from the floor.

“I can’t marry you,” I said as the breath that held my courage left me.

My heart was crushed.  What had I done?  Was I crazy to listen to the whisper?

Days of crying,  unable to comprehend what would happen next and what life would be like now led to sessions with a therapist.   Sitting in our chairs we talked.  Her presence comforted me.   Patient in her methods she questioned and spoke.  In time I healed and a new me was discovered.  I discovered I was strong.  I was resiliant.  I was an amazing person.  I deserved more.  I was more.  I had more to give and so much more to be.  Most of all I discovered that I had learned to listen to the inner me.

The dream that I had was not just any dream.  It was an introduction.  The inner voice that had been so unfamiliar had finally introduced itself to me.   It was that moment I discovered my inner voice.  A wise and loving voice who revealed herself exactly when she needed to be found.  It was that day, the day I listened,  the day I made one of the hardest decisions of my life that my life, my path and I were changed.





Today I am linking up with the beautiful group of woman at JustBeEnough.  There is no other group of woman I would feel brave enough to share this story of: A Path Not Taken