Talking To Strangers: 57 Flavors of Amazingness

TalkingtoStrangers2I have spent three weeks working on this post.  Starting and stopping, revising, restarting, deleting, retyping…I just could not find the right word to share with and to tell you about Mel from According to Mags.  I simply could not find the words to share with you in true Talking to Strangers style why Mel is so fantastically inspiring and amazing to me. To tell you why I am so over the moon happy I met her and why my blogging, mommy, friend and teacher world.

…and then like ketchup plopping onto a burger the words found me.
On the 1st and 15th of every month Mel and her friend Michele host a link up called Ketchup With Us.  The rules are no rule, just guidelines: In 57 words or less, tell us about…

So in pure Ketchup With Us style, today I give you not just 57 words but 57 tid bits, facts and reasons why I think she is pretty damn amazing…

1. We first met over beer
2. Mel introduced me to Sam Adams Chocolate lager…seriously delicious and Chocolate Beer PEOPLE!!
3. Mel is a writer
4. Mel is the kind of writer the kind of writer that can paint a picture with words, take you to another place, stand and look around and you can feel the breeze blowing and taste the salt on your lips from the margarita as your skin warms in the heat of the sun as the sand tickles your toes kind of writer.
5. Mel’s introduction of Chocolate Lager led to the Blueberry lager…oh my lawrdy make your mouth water deliciousness
6. Mel has written a children’s book
7. Mel and her hubs write original children’s stories
8. Mel is one of the narrators on the Night Light stories Poscast
9. Mel’s podcasts make my daughters shout from the backseat of the car, ” MMMMOOOOOMMMMMM turn off the music!!!! We want the Nightlight stories!!!”
10. My daughter’s swoon over Mrs. Mel and Mr. Chris
11. I swoon over Mrs. Mel’s and Mr. Chris’s stories!!!
12. Mel is supportive
13. Mel has shown me the power of my teacher voice
14.  Mel has shown me and reminded me the power of social media to connect teachers and resources
15. Mel is energetic and contagiously giddy
16. Mel plays a mean Rock Band guitar
17. Mel joins a book club and doesn’t read the book…been there!
18.  Mel has two kids… with wickdly awesome smiles.  The kind that just make you want to smile too
19. Mel has cheered me on just when I needed it most
20. Mel is a special education teacher too
21. Mel is one of those people you meet on social media and the more you get to know them the more you find you have in common, the luckier you feel that you have met and the smaller the world feels
22. Mel’s words have encouraged me
23. Mel’s words have given me confidence.
24.  Connecting with Mel (and her husband Chris…also in education) as a teacher gave me confiedence I never thought I’d have as an educator in this space
25. Connecting with Mel showed me the power of my voice…I never thought I would find it any other place but here
26. Mel dresses in a Ketchup bottle
27. Mel is a hoot… not the owl kind either.  The make you laugh until you have a stitch kind of a hoot
28. Mel is a fan of the Walking Dead…instant bonus points!
29.  Mel is crazy goofy (in a totally awesomesauce great way… I’ll explain more later)
30. MM1
ok… I explained it faster then I thought!!!
31.  Mel is a math tutor
32.  Mel  is a University Supervisor for student teachers…how lucky are those student teachers
33.  Mel aspires to be a professional napper…I have a napping habit too. I aspire to someday be a professional at it!
34.  Mel adores every ounce of her children’s imaginations
35.  Mel’s smile makes you want to smile too
36.  Mel writes some super fun vs. posts.  My favorite…Grover vs Evil Dead (she may have ruined Grover just a smidge for me but oh the post it is!!!)
37. Mel is an origional song writer…Nose Picking Song.  I know!  Serious talent there, right?!
38. MM3
39.  Mel is a runner
40.  Mel ran in a Zombie 5k… I envy her so.  I want to be chased by Zombies!  Well the fake kind because the real ones OMGAWD that would be terrifying!
41. Mel has a SERIOUS…SERIOUS Cadbury Egg addicitinfatuation…love
42. Mel brings an energy that warms your heart, makes you giggle and smile until your cheeks hurt
43. Mel’s an amazing mom
44.  Mel’s an absolute smiling beautiful goof!!
45. Mel’s a romantic


47. Mel goes to see death clutch your husbands arm while you burry your eyes in his shoulder horror movies because her husband loves them
48. Mel is a home bound teacher
49.  MM3
50. Mel can turn even the most common into the hysterical
51.  Mel came along right when I needed her, found value in what I had shared, validated my skills and knowledge and inspired me to share and create more
52.  Mel hides her Cadbury Eggs in a cabinet…smart woman!
53. Mel brings a giggle, smile embracement of all the fantasticlly fun creative, weird ,give you a side ache from giggling and make you crazy parts of motherhood
54. Mel has a great smile
55.  Mel plays a mean RockBand guitar…especially when at “Book Club”
56. Mel loves her family

57. Mel is amazing, creative, inspiring, supportive, crazy awesome imagination, a total goof, momma, wife, special education teacher, Cadbury Egg hider, beer conasueor, no longer a stranger.

So while some of the 57 may seem like they are kind of bland (no offense Mel) to me they are what make Mel so very special to me.  We have opportunities to connect with people everyday.  Whether it is here at this space, in social media or in real life.  Sometimes if we are lucky we meet people who inspire us and share their awesomeness.  If we are really lucky these people might also connect with us and support us.  And sometimes if we are really, really lucky we also find someon we not only have the little things in common with but these strangers maybe even become friends.  Sometimes the world just isn’t so small.  There are people out there just waiting to connect with and enrich and brighten our lives.


*All pictures and the video were used with Mel’s permission.  She is not alone in her Ketchup bottle wearing adventures.  Her partner in crime, the Heinz to her 57… Michele at Old Dogs New Tits {snort} {giggle} {giggle} (sorry her name always makes me feel like a 7yr old little girl…she said tits!) 

Talking to Strangers: Linking Up Again

TalkingToStrangersIt has been too long since I have talked to strangers.  As a matter of fact I realized the other day that I have now been blogging for over two and a half years now…wow…two…and…a half…years.   I suppose that means I missed my anniversary six months ago…huh?!

I can’t believe it.

During these last two and a half years amazing things have happened for me…

I was a contributor for Just Be Enough.  My best friend and I shared a blog.

I’ve been to two bloggy luncheons (Girls Lunch Out).

I have shared my voice at the Kir Corner, Wednesday’s Woman and Great Expectations

I have co-written several mad crazy fun posts with Abby.

I taught my self graphic design and fell in love with the creative outlet it gave me.

I rediscovered a long lost talent and started to draw again.

I discovered within myself a woman who loves words, loves the pictures they paint and smiles at the experiences it shares.

I have been dragged in from my corner outside of the blogosphere huddled in lock down tight security fearful of sharing too much and discovered a world of in the blogosphere that is phenomenally, fantastic, beautiful, supportive and just plain amazing woman who encourage and make me feel like I am safe to try new things and put myself out there.  A group of woman I now proudly call friends.

My creations are seen, my words are read (by someone other then me…),  they were shared,  heard and I thought….

I thought all of this was enough.  I have thought that it was enough for a long time now. Continue reading “Talking to Strangers: Linking Up Again”

Meredith and her GLOw

Rain drizzled on my “yes, it’s a good hair day! {fist pump}” hair as I ran from one black awning to the next trying not to get too wet.  I peaked inside the first door.

“No, that is not it,” I thought.

I ran to the second door.  Looking through the glass of the the door I couldn’t make out if there was anyone in there.  I leaned closer to see if I could see anyone.  The door to the restaurant opened and I was welcomed by a blonde hair, warm smiling,  black rimmed glasses wearing beauty.

With parking figured out I nervously signed in and put my name tag on.  I was super excited to be at my second Girls Lunch Out event, but nervous to be doing it all by myself.  Before I knew it I was talking and meeting new woman.  Today was the day I was going to learn about vlogging.  Was I ever going to vlog,  probably not, but I loved using videos in the classroom and on my classroom blog.  I was excited to hear about it and learn something new.  Soon it was time to meet everyone.  Each woman took their turn introducing themselves (I have to work on my introduction by the way).  I was in aw of the amazingness each woman brought to this event.  Then she stood up.  The blonde hair, warm smiling, black rimmed glasses wearing beauty.

“Hi I’m Meredith Sinclair…”

“Meredith Sinclair….Meredith Synclair …” rattled through my brain.

{insert light bulb}

“Oh my lordy that is the speaker today!  I talked to her.  She helped me.  She’s nice.  She’s funny.  I can’t wait to see hear her talk!” my brain rambled on.

Lunch was surrounded with tweeting, instagraming and getting to know each other.  We were filled with a fantastic meal (by Francesca’s on Taylor) of salad, bruchetta,  two types of pasta, a little wine.  It was wonderful.  As  bites of dessert were being taken it was time for the guest speaker… yep Meredith Synclair of  As she pitched to us the impact and audience we can reach with vlogging.  She gave us tips on vlogging, how to get the best light, make sure you have good sound and how to teach yourself to edit video.  I took notes on the tips and make sure you remember to do this’s.   Between the notes and fantastic tips I still thought not in your life am I ever going to vlog woman.  Meredith continued to talk,  sharing her tips and make sure you’s.  Suddenly she went from instructional to inspiring.  She shared with us a deep passion, her phenomenal work ethic, her drive, her passion and her unwavering belief in us.  Words like “pretend like you’re talking to your best friend”,  “you don’t have to be perfect”, “you can do it” and suddenly my thoughts of no I will never vlog moved to I can create what I love and I can do anything I put my mind to (… to date I am seriously debating with myself whether to do a vlog or not…oh it might be fun…no no no vlogging…damn you Meredith!)

So when Meredith shared her fantastic smile and warm personality with me one last time

I knew not only was I deeply inspired by this incredibly dynamic, creative, inspirational, make you feel like you can try anything woman… I had a serious crush!

This was my second Girls Lunch Out event.  It was even more fun then the first.  It was wonderful to see friends from the last event and meet and talk to mind blowing, strong, fantastically amazing woman that participated in it

I was not reimbursed,  payed or given any samples for this post.  All thoughts and opinions regarding Meredith, Girls Lunch Out and Francesca’s are my own.  They really are that fabulous!!


Does She Know?

The girls splashed and played in the spray of the waterspouts springing up around them.  Their giggles filled the air as streams of water surprised them from the ground.  As I watched them play.  The fun and joy they experiencing made me smile.  “This was a good idea,” I thought.

A little boy in a white with blue and green Hawaiian flower decorated board shorts caught my eye.   He stood in the center of the spray park mesmorized by the spray of the yellow fountains spout.  “That’s cute,” I thought.  Minutes passed and he caught my eye again.  Still standing in the same spot.  Still staring.  A nagging voice in my head whispers, “That’s and awfully long time to watch a fountain.”  I scan the park wondering who his mom was, simply wanting to connect parent with child.  My girls run to me still giggling in happiness and looking for snacks to reenergize them.

Time passes and the same crew cut little boy continues to grab my attention.  He moves from standing and watching to playing in and interacting with the water.  He giggles in excitement as the water splashes him.  The touch of the cool water causes him to sqweel at the sky and express his happiness shaking his hands, jumping and smiling to himself. My mind pauses and I have to snap myself out of a long stare.

“What is it about this little boy?” I ask myself.

“He has Autism,” the nagging voice whispers.

I scan the spray park for the mom again.  I find her.  Beautiful in her black bathing suit and brunette hair pulled back into the perfect ponytail.

“Does she know?”

“Am I right?”

“Does she know?”

A lump grows in my throat.

“Does she know?”

Does she know she is not alone? Does she know there are supportive, caring, wonderful supports and groups out there to embrace her and let her know she is not alone?

As my mind races an other thought pops in my head…

Shit! Sunday Stilwell needs a business card!

I can not remember the first time I “met”  Sunday.  When I think back to the first moment, the very first moment, it isn’t a moment I can recall.  It is an emotion.  Sunday is this amazing force.  She is a woman full of sass, humor, passion and an effortless ability to pull you into her community,  fuel your with a desire to be a part of it and make you want to give back.  Sunday makes me want to be a part of something, use my knowledge and skills to reach out and empower others.

While the warmth of the memories I have of Sunday make me smile, tears begin to stream down my cheeks.  I can not help but wonder.  Do you know the extent of your impact? Do you know the effect of your embrace? Others know they are no longer alone.  Others know they have a place to share without fear of judgement or shame.  Do you know you inspire us?  You inspire us to reach out and help others.  To be there, hold each other up and get through the tough together.  Do you know you make us laugh?  Life is serious enough.  Having a disability is serious enough, but beyond the disability are gifts that enrich our lives, teach us things and amaze us with their awe.  Did you know you have shown us how to unwrap it all?  Wrapped up in all of this is the fun life gives us!

Thank  you Sunday!

Stasha and Her Perspective

I first met Stasha ( through Listicles.  You see Stasha is the mother of Listicles.  Every Monday bloggers flock to her blog.  They laugh, they have fun, they joke, they share their lists that applies to that weeks theme and it is an absolute blast!  There is something about writing a list, something about joining Stasha and her Listiclers at that space that makes writing fun!

Even with all that fun, it wasn’t until I joined Instagram that I really got to know her…. I had just started out on Instagram.  I followed Stasha’s photos and was amazed by their beauty and Stasha’s ability to capture it with her camera.  Instagram was my first step toward sharing more of the real me.  I wanted to share the real me with more of my twitter and blogging friends but quite frankly I was terrified (long story, irrational, ask Shirley about it, she’ll roll her eyes, shrug her shoulders and sigh… its a long story.  I’m working at it).  I hit the green approved button allowing Stasha to follow me on Instagram.  I was actually giddy with excitement that Stasha the photography goddess (oh, is that only in my mind?!)wanted to follow my pictures.  Still I was terrified.

I rushed to twitter to DM her. I spewed to her my typical ramble,  these pictures are the real me but I am fiercely protective of my anonymity on Twitter and with blogging.  I hope you understand.  Then Stasha did what she does best…. she graciously listened, she was infinitely kind, she shared and she gave me perspective…

Perspective that bridged fear and lead to trust

Perspective that brought whimsy to the ordinary

Perspective that brought me depth

Perspective that gave me strength

Perspective that allowed me to share the real me

Perspective that had more layers then she knew…
My stomach continued to churn and I took several deep breaths. Sharing with this new friend was a huge deal to me.  After several DM’s continuing to explain my concern she simply responded, “I would hope that you would show me, my family and my pictures the same respect I show you.” That moment I learned lesson 1,256 about people I have met through social media… They have so much to teach me.

Stasha taught me. 



Stashataught me an unexpected and deeply meaningful lesson in perspective.  I am more thankful then she will know for the perspective and trust in others she has shared with me!

I just simply could not talk about Stasha with out sharing with all of you my slight huge crush infatuation for her handsome Newfie Max… 

Ok I swoon for him! 

All photos were used with Stasha’s permission.  
To see more of her work visit her at…

Let’s Talk Cupcakes

I first wrote about Kirsten from TheKir Corner during one of my very first Talking to Strangers posts.  Kirsten had written about and her cupcakes back in November.  I was moved by her post comparing her comments to cupcakes.   She wrote words like:

“…they are an instant celebration in a small paper cup.”

“I believe our stories are our cakes, our attempts at baking from scratch and setting it on the table so everyone can look at and admire it. We want our guests to enjoy the dessert we offer, to smack their lips and lick their forks, satisfied with our effort.

“A dainty yet delectable slice of my heart that I give you in exchange for the stories and secrets you have made and shared with me.”

She even went on to share, “I may not be good at a lot of things, but I can promise you that if I read your words, I will never leave your space without leaving a whole lot of sweetness behind.”

She moved me.  She inspired me.  She inspired me to also want to share kindness, positive words, meaningful words that would bring a smile or even happiness to someones’ day.

A twitter account @inapaperwrapper, a whole 632 tweets, a Pinterest board and six weeks after it started my mission to spread cupcakes was smooshed and I was pooped!  I LOVED what the cupcakes did for others… If I was on Twitter and I saw that  a mom or twitter friend was having a bad day, grumping about mom stuff or just down I would sent out a tweet with a link to something (usually a cupcake) that would cheer them up.  It was so much fun to do and it made me feel good.  Unfortunately it was just too much and after about six weeks I stopped doing it.  I was disappointed to say the least.

. . . . . . . . .

Fast forward to a week ago…I was checking my email and I saw that Kirsten has left me a comment on one of my posts. I excitedly read it and there it is again….

Her words, her….

How did she put it?

Oh yes, “A dainty yet delectable slice of my heart that I give you in exchange for the stories and secrets you have made and shared with me.”

With tears of happiness welling in my eyes and a full blown #HeyGirl Ryan Gosling addition I was inspired all over again…

A note from Laverne:  I have been dying to get this piece written for the last week.  Now that it is written and my inspiration has been shared you can expect a cupcake every Wednesday and on a really good week some #HeyGirl Ryan Gosling too (I swoon for him… what can I say!).

I can only hope that these cupcakes do for others half of what

Kirsten’s “cupcakes” do!!

and just because…

Brandi and Her Colors

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes.

Minky {Moo}’s took her turn with her Instagram

Rubber Chicken Madness’s  has shared with her nuggets 

Leila from Don’t Speak Whinese had a complaint letter filed against her

Kelly from Mom Got Blog’s was told her what she didn’t know

Elena’s from CiaoMom was shown just how far her amazingness extends

Today it is Brandi from Brandi Girl Blog turn and I am sharing with you her beauty that extends far beyond the colors she uses! 

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!  


Shirley and I sat at her kitchen table.  We had both finished lunch (delicious chicken salad that she had made).  After lunch we were both excited to get on line and explore and share with each other sites we had discovered. 

“I found this one site last night.  I can’t remember the name but I loved its colors and simplicity,” I rambled happily.

“I found one too, by some artist I think.  It’s so clean and she’s great at using color.  I can’t remember her name!” She giggled. 

That day we both came upon her sight separately.  We were both instantly taken.  Her site was simple, clean and had a perfect use of color.  In short we were in awww.

It was one of the first blogs I subscribed to.  Her pictures matched with beautiful color palates began to arrive at my inbox.  I wanted to learn.  I wanted to see if I could catch, bottle or learn just a smidge of skill she had by watching her.  I loved seeing what she was going to capture next and I admired her ability to find beautiful colors in everything.   

As time passed I began to notice that this artist’s blog was far more then color palettes.  She wove stories and memories in with her pictures. I continued admirer her as she shared the lessons she was learning.  Her hunger for learning and self-discovery oozed off the screen.  She was a seeker of knowledge and so passionate about it.  It inspired me. 

The holidays came along and I got to travel with her as she shared her visits with family. I giggled and smiled as she shared stories of visits with her sister, niece and nephew. It didn’t take long for us to connect on twitter.  We began to tweet more and more. I felt like I had a new sister…forever kind, passionately supportive, thoughtful, understanding, warm and a truly wonderful person.  

I subscribed to her blog so I could learn from this stranger…instead I found a friend who taught me about the colors all around me and all the beauty there is to be found in unexpected places! 

Six Dregees of Elena

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

Minky {Moo}’s took her turn with her Instagram and
Rubber Chicken Madness’s  has shared with her nuggets 
Kelly from Mom Got Blog’s was told her what she didn’t know

Today it is Elena’s from CiaoMom ‘s turn and I’m showing her just how far her amazingness extends…

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!  
. . . . . .

Kevin Bacon once claimed that he had worked with everyone in Hollywood.  Some people know it as the Kevin Bacon Game others  know it as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.  People play the game to see how many degrees (connections) away any actor is from Kevin Bacon.   To me the game shows that no mater how distant a one person may be from another, we are often connected and sometimes one persons reach extends far beyond what they ever realize.   

Elena is my Kevin Bacon.  No she can’t swing from a high bar in the middle of a warehouse  while  Bon Jovi’s Runaway plays in the background and I am certain she has never helped defend a small town against strange underground creatures which are killing people one by one.  I am certain that she does not realize how far… what degree of separation her amazingness has on us!  

My most vivid first memory of her was her call for bloggers to link up and share their lists, “What I like About Me”.  I was all in.  No hesitation, no second thought, no pause…. I had been moved.  Next came Elena’s announcement that she was starting Just.Be.Enough.  A flood of inspiration filled me deep inside.  I knew instantly that I wanted to be a part of it.  This was the beginning of my six degrees of separation from Elena…

Six Degrees of Elena  

Elena’s amazing force has moved me in ways I am sure she is not completely aware of. The JBE team (assembled by Elena) taught me more about the true kindness, acceptance and genuineness of people then I could have ever imagined.  They also taught me that it is OK to let your guard down and safe to let people in.  Being part of Elena’s team made me want to be a better writer and taught me dig deep down inside to write.  Elena showed me that someone can be there for you even if they do not live near you and that I can cry for someone I care for even if we have never met.  Elena made me brave.  She showed me all the wonderfulness that social media is and all the true greatness that is out there with in it.  My experiences with her built the courage that took me to {GLO} where I met other bloggers in real life and showed the real me.  To me she is a kindred spirit that I easily connect with and understand, who share daughters who make things out of nothing, daughters who go through reams of paper and rolls of tape and who drive us crazy with love, imagination and frustration.  

So while she can not swing from a high bar in in the middle of a warehouse or fight strange underground creatures which are killing people… Her six degrees certainly reaches far beyond anything she could even begin to imagine and anything I could even begin show here!! 

Kelly and What She Doesn’t Know

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

Minky {Moo}’s took her turn with her Instagram and
Rubber Chicken Madness’s  has shared with her nuggets 
Today it is Kelly from Mom Got Blog’s turn and I’m telling her what she doesn’t know…
I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!  
. . . . . .

Three posts… three posts in one week (a lot for me and I was pretty proud of myself), two days in bed with a terrible head cold and a husband also sick has left me feeling really uninspired, not very motivated and a bit lost for more ideas.  Then I remembered Kelly!
For three years I have bought and worn the same style of running shoe. What can I say, when I like something I stick with it.  Three weeks ago I decided to finally run in my new, different style and design shoes (huge deal for me).


I did my warm up and began my run like I always do.  It was the weekend so my plan was to go for a long run (Laverne’s definition of long run- running for 40-50 minutes and running 3+miles if I’m lucky…it is what it is people).  I watched some action adventures sci-fi movie while I ran.  My pace felt so good I picked it up.  My running started to feel effortless.  My mind began to wander.  Ideas began to flow and dance in my head.
This was also the week Kelly had been struggling with her writing.  The holidays were over, everyone was settling into their routines and Kelly was stuck.  She had nothing.  I could tell her writing was feeling forced to her.  Her struggles pained me.  Her struggles, her feelings of being stuck became part of the dance of ideas that flowed in my head. 

You see Kelly has this thing and she doesn’t even know it.  It really isn’t about her writing (well she is a totally dinamo at that but to me she is so much more).  To me it is about the things she doesn’t write.  

Last Thanksgiving her family ran in a 5k Turkey trot…. so cool!  
Kelly getting sassy with her picture taking.  

Kelly ate her way through Washington DC. 
 I think I gained 5lbs just following all the pictures of the food she ate.
 Kelly can cook.  She has some serious chief skills.  
I want to come over to Kelly’s house every night so she can cook for me!

 See what I mean!  YUMMY!!!

And then there is Kelly just being Kelly!  

You see Kelly, sometimes it is not the words that inspire, make an impact or get peoples attention…. it is YOU!  Your unending kindness toward me from the small act of including me in an Instagram tag to a response to a tweet, Facebook response or comment your actions are what make a difference to me and what I notice.  Your actions are what inspire and you didn’t even know it! 

This day…the day I ran in my new shoes was the best run I had ever had.  It was the first time running had ever felt effortless to me and smooth.  The only day I have ever felt like a runner. The day running changed for me.  And the first person I thought of sharing this news with as when I got off the treadmill was Kelly. She was true to form… supportive and encouraging! 

All pictures used were used with Kelly’s permission

Her Nuggets

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

Minky {Moo}’s took her turn with her Instagram

Now it is Kim from Rubber Chicken Madness’s turn…

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!  

. . . . .

I do not remember how I first “met” Kim over at Rubber Chicken Madness.  I know it was when Kindred Adventures first became Kindred Adventures and I know it was on Twitter.  I do remember instantly liking her.  She had sass she was not afraid to dish, she was tough, she was dedicated and I (secretly) adored her.  I continued to get to know her on Twitter.  Mostly we would chat on Saturday mornings.  We would share about our weeks and what was up in our lives.   I learned about her single mother adventures of her two boys she calls “Thing 1” and “Thing 2”.  I learned how she works two jobs to provide for her family.  Then I began to read her blog and that is where her inspiration to me began.  I started to visit her blog as much as I could. I found my self laughing out loud, smiled from ear to ear and had my heart deeply touched.  I do not know if she would ever admit it, but she has a gift, she can dig deep and she can write beautifully moving posts.   

Spread The Madness…
Seriously she wants you to!!

In November 2011 Kim had an idea…. she would post Rubber Chicken Nuggets.  Every Friday she would post mini recaps of the weeks events.   It was genius.  I laughed as I learned what funny things she, her sons and her dog had gotten into.  I was hooked…. I was instantly inspired. I began to look forward to them.  Little glimpses of life beyond the daily posts, woven with funny sarcasm, pieces of nuggets I could eat up!  
Thanks to Kim and her nuggets of madness my brain began to go into over drive.  I think the day I was inspired I constantly spewed ideas so frequently that Shirley’s head just began to bob in spontaneous agreement.   I wanted a way to share our weekly adventures with others just like Kim.  Her little nuggets inspired our Rear View Mirror.  One month later we have posted 4 3 2 ? Rear View Mirror posts (I think a weekly schedule will ensure that I will write every Friday….HA!)

Today I look forward to our Friday Rear View Mirror 
(when I get around to writing them).  I find myself taking mental notes of fun tidbits of life that go on all around me.  Tidbits I can share on Friday.  I find myself reflecting on specific moments, remembering them and really remembering details.  Kim’s simple act of serving nuggets has made me want to serve ours too.

Momalog and Her TV

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

 Minky {Moo}’s had her turn.

Today it is The Momalog’s turn!

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!   


I “met” Momalog on Twitter aka @adothemomalog. Between our mommy duties we would chat tweet about life and things going on.  Then it happened…I started following her blog.  Well…That was it!

I have been brought to the floor by laughter and side-aches.  I’ve been moved to tears by her strength and resilience.  I have been awed by her intelligence and graceful words.  She is passionate, well spoken, deep thinking and she is a force.

I read “Mommy’s Rant” (hold on to your chair with that one…It had me in stitches) and “Why We Killed Our Television”.   

I remember thinking, “You know she’s got a point!  But, I love my TV shows.”  

Months passed and Christmas approached this year.  

Words began to come out of my daughters mouths. 

Words I had heard before.  

Words like the ones Ella had uttered:  “I know how you can get that stain out of the carpet – you need to buy some Oxyclean!” and “Can we go to 1-800-Beaches?”

It happened again.  

This is not good!  

Since her first post Ado’s voice has gotten stronger.  Her stories have kept their passion, while her writing has become even more polished.  So, while I can not say I am ready to kill our TV too, she has inspired me!  Once a month I am going to pick a day (maybe more then one…stranger things have happened).*  I am going to put our TV in a “COMA”…still alive and reviveable but not dead or killed.  This will be my small step in cutting back our TV watching.  

*Like any good blogger I will be sharing our “TV COMA” experiences right here…once a month

Minky Moo and Her Instagram

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

Today it is Minky {Moo}’s turn!

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!   


I didn’t have to spend too much time on Twitter before I was introduced to Minky {Moo}.

Minky {Moo}… 
A mink?

What a mink coat…mink wrap?

…and a cow?

I’ve heard some clever blog names before, but….O-K-aaaaaaaa!
A quick ‘click’ of my mouse and a light gray and yellow vintage flower print detailed by classic buttons filled my computer screen.  Dial M for Minky {Moo} Motherhood and Mimosas… I still don’t get it! (after a bit of research…aka internet stalking I have learned that Mink Moo was actually the name of one of her cats…I think).  I got to know her better through Just.Be.Enough, Facebook and #Sixthings (need a laugh…See Stephanie at work sharing her #sixthings).  She is quick witted, will make you laugh out loud, is warm and accepting, madly in love with her sons and a picture sharing momma.  To others she is Stephanie…Yes, Stephanie… Stephanie Stearns Dulli.  Actress, comedian, writer and now a director.   To me she is a momma and a Instagram Goddess! 
You see thanks to Stephanie I have a new love.  Yes, besides Twitter, blogging and Pinterest… I now have Instagram too.  Everyday I can count on Stephanie for at least a couple of Instagram pictures.  Whether it is a baby fix and a swoon with an #uptotheminutehuck or “Boss” giving Stephanie a run for her money or making her giggle.  She fills my feed with fun Instagram pictures.

WARNING LABEL: Viewing these pictures may cause swooning, awwwws , giggles or smiles.                   These unpredictable side effects and are no fault of this blog… 
It is all Stephanie’s fault!

“The Boss”*
26 pictures later I am fully in love with Instagram’s ease of use and artsy filters.  I enjoy sharing my families adventures with close friends and relatives.  Stephanie’s simple act of filling my life with #uptotheminutehuck’s and snap shots of the “Boss” have reminded me that a mother’s deep love for her children and small everyday moments contain fun, giggles, laughter and surprises others want to see!  
Thank You Stephanie!

*All pictures used in this post were used with the consent of Stephanie Dulli  aka Minky Moo