Sometimes I Do Ok At This Mom Thing

You know those days weeks… ok years we (I have) spend trying to teach our kids to brush their teeth, put their clothes in the laundry basket, clean up their toys after they’re done playing and do their chores. You know all the talks we’ve had with our kids about each of those. Talks we’ve given over and over and over and over again! And oh let’s not forget the toys put in timeout, the loss of fun things and my favorite… I’m going to throw those toys away.

Sighhhhh sometimes it feels futile!

Then there are moments like this…
Photo: Heck Awesome

…and then I feel like I do ok at this mom thing. Because even through the goofy and silly and big sisterness I know that my words are making a difference and today she got it.  I’ll take it!


Heck Awesome Comments


4 Replies to “Sometimes I Do Ok At This Mom Thing”

    1. Leighann she is quite the writer! Words are her friends…she really gets them! I sure am trying. She’s also a tough one to get through to. She’s extremely persistent and stubborn (I no idea where she gets it from?!) I have to embrace the smallest moments!

  1. That is heck awesome! It’s so hard to think they’re actually listening to us, but sometimes we realize they are definitely listening. I also love her handwriting! LOL

    1. It is really hard to know when they are really listening. I swear I feel like a broken record most days…the same talk over and over. Sometimes I wonder if they have it memorized! Even in the smallest moments it is nice to know they are listening! LOL! She does have nice handwriting!

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