The Moment My Gamified Classroom Almost Failed

Back in August (ouch…its been a long time) I decided I would take a huge leap and share my gamification planning process. I had big plans. I would start by sharing my planning process and then throughout the months to come I would continue sharing by giving others deeper insight on my process. I decided to start by sharing the process of how I create my game and what goes on in my head when I am creating it. I recorded my process, components I consider and my thinking. I finished what was going to be the first in a series and proudly typed “ This is the first part in “My Gamification Process Series” (I’ll be recording and sharing my entire process as I create this year’s game)”. I hit the publish key.

….then there were crickets.

Nothing. Continue reading “The Moment My Gamified Classroom Almost Failed”

In A Galaxy Far, Far Away: My Classroom Gamification Process (Part 1)

Today I started planning my 5th classroom gamification game…5th!!! Holy wow! Can you believe it has been that many already. I sat at my kitchen table and channeled my inner Jedi, Hans Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca and R2D2 organizing my thoughts and ideas for my newest game“Star Wars: The Force Be With You. The Battle Against the Dark Force”.

Continue reading “In A Galaxy Far, Far Away: My Classroom Gamification Process (Part 1)”