NICE Mini Conference 2014

Saturday was it.

It was the big day.

It was a HUGE BIG GIGANTIC check off of my list and goals of things I wanted to do this year!

Saturday was the day I spoke of my very first conference, the Nice Mini Con 2014.

I drove to the conference cursing. The salt and snow and mess splashed on the window of my car.  The running out of windshield wiper fluid light blinked at me.  I hoped I wouldn’t have to stop to fill it up. It would be just my luck to present my first conference covered in windshield wiper fluid.

My stomach churned with nerves.

I ate my breakfast and drank my water.  I would  get my coffee right before I got to the conference.  Yes…it would also be just my luck that my coffee would drip drip drip, leaving me with an oh so attractive and professional  coffee stain somewhere unhideable.   I went through the script of my sessions in my head.  Before I knew it was there and coffee and windshield wiper fluid stain free!  I checked in and found my way to the room I was presenting at.

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