Talking to Strangers: Linking Up Again

TalkingToStrangersIt has been too long since I have talked to strangers.  As a matter of fact I realized the other day that I have now been blogging for over two and a half years now…wow…two…and…a half…years.   I suppose that means I missed my anniversary six months ago…huh?!

I can’t believe it.

During these last two and a half years amazing things have happened for me…

I was a contributor for Just Be Enough.  My best friend and I shared a blog.

I’ve been to two bloggy luncheons (Girls Lunch Out).

I have shared my voice at the Kir Corner, Wednesday’s Woman and Great Expectations

I have co-written several mad crazy fun posts with Abby.

I taught my self graphic design and fell in love with the creative outlet it gave me.

I rediscovered a long lost talent and started to draw again.

I discovered within myself a woman who loves words, loves the pictures they paint and smiles at the experiences it shares.

I have been dragged in from my corner outside of the blogosphere huddled in lock down tight security fearful of sharing too much and discovered a world of in the blogosphere that is phenomenally, fantastic, beautiful, supportive and just plain amazing woman who encourage and make me feel like I am safe to try new things and put myself out there.  A group of woman I now proudly call friends.

My creations are seen, my words are read (by someone other then me…),  they were shared,  heard and I thought….

I thought all of this was enough.  I have thought that it was enough for a long time now.

Then it happened…

I was on twitter one Saturday morning and I saw it…#SITSSharefest.  Huh?!  I thought.  There is was again and again and again.  SITS huh?!  Of course I had to check it out.  I knew what SITS was but needed a refresher about what the sharefest was.  HOLY MOMMA it was a link up on crack!  100s of bloggers came, linked up and then shared, chatted and connected.  So I decided I would jump right in.  So I started on twitter. On there, Bloggers were sharing their favorite posts of the week.  We were reading and commenting, laughing, talking, giggling and it was a blast.  As soon as the #SITSSharefest came to an end I marked my calendar (aka put it in my phone with two reminders…one for when I forget and a second when I forget the reminder) I was certain this was something I wanted to do again.  Three weeks later I am still excited to connect with #SITSSharefest on Saturday.  I am excited to talk with new friends and get to know new bloggers.  I am excited to talk about writing, creating and blogging.  I am excited to share what I know about blogging with other and exchange ideas.  I am excited to connect with a new group of blogger, to join #Sharefest on Saturday mornings and to link up!

I thought my blogging life was full and complete.

What I realized is that old friends are amazing but meeting new people and connecting with others is as equally important, meaningful and enriching my blogging life.

I need to remember that often!


Heck Awesome Comments


7 Replies to “Talking to Strangers: Linking Up Again”

  1. What a great message.
    It’s so true, we get comfortable with the friends we keep (blogs we read), and instead of branching out and exploring tend to stick to our own.
    I like to read a few new people a week and look at new articles.
    There’s always room for more friends.

  2. Hey lady! I’ll have to check out the sharefest. I signed up over at SITS when I started blogging a year ago, but was overwhelmed. Not anything against SITS, of course, I just have trouble managing it all. Very impressed you set reminders. Maybe I’ll try that.

    Inspiring post, and a great reminder as to why I, too, blog. Much love for you.
    Kimberly Speranza (Sperk*) recently posted..Wednesday’s Woman: Works of Mommy PadawanMy Profile

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