I Predict

A few month back Chris Bugaj shared his TED Talk .  In it he said he had figured out how to predict the future.  He spoke about the tools in the future.  He spoke about tools called a touch screens and word prediction software.  BUT this future that he spoke about was NOW!  The technology that was so innovative for students with special education needs in 1986 and 1987 was now technology that WE all use today.  It is technology that is now enhancing all of our lives.

I finished watching Chris’s TED Talk and I couldn’t help but think…

“What do I think the future of technology in Special Education is going to be?”

“What is my vision for its future of technology in Special Education?”

 The thought mulled around and marinated for days and days.

Then it hit me.

The future of technology for students (…kids, people, adults) with Special Education needs is virtual!  And it is a future that I think if we work hard enough at doesn’t have to be too far off!!!

The power of technology for students with Special Education needs is amazing.  It has the power to enable them to compensate for their weaknesses and even completely overcome them.  It has the power to empower them to be and live in ways that were not possible years ago.  It has the power to enable them to live a life with independence like never before!

Imagine walking into any room and having at your fingertips how to lists, how to videos, social stories, checklists or a voice providing you with information.  Imagine having these tools accessible to a person at anytime.  Imagine a room being interactive, providing resources, information and tools for students. Continue reading “I Predict”

A Class Full of Bloggers

Like years past attending the Illinois Computing Educators Conference (ICE) has inspired me in many ways.  The last day of this year’s ICE conference brought George Couros.  His words like other great keynotes did just what they were meant to do,  they made me want to change and they pushed the limits of my thinking.  By the time that George was done speaking  I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

It was finally time to do what I had toyed with doing for several years…it was time to start a classroom blog and not one written by me, one written by my students.

Ideas filled my head.  I talked the ear off of my friend Jen (note to anyone attending a conference with me or who sits next to me during a conference…I try really hard to be quiet and not talk but I can’t help it.  When someone/something inspires me… oh lawrdy watch out!  The ideas come flowing out of like the waters of niagara falls).  I was excited to revamp the class landing page and turn it into an active blog.  I was excited to write a list of ideas my students could write about.  I was excited to pool the resources and tools that my students could use to create and write blog posts with.  I was excited to create the templates and forms that would guide blog post writing… and Jen got to hear all about it (WHAT?! I told you I got excited).

“No”, Jen said,  “Let them write about, create, share about whatever they want!”

“Whatever they want?  No list of topics?” I looked at her with an are you kidding me look (you know the one…the and your the expert, really, are you sure you know what you are talking about look)

“Yes, whatever they want,” she smiled with a trust me I know what I’m talking about look,  “Let it be their idea!  Whatever moves them!” she added with certainty.

“Really?” I asked again

“Yes, REALLY!” she smiled again with an I know about this stuff look.

After an hour of changing the landing page into a blog…we had an active blog.

With George’s inspiration and Jen’s guidance,  I was able to structure our blog post writing process so that my students had enough structure to complete posts and publish them consistently and enough freedom to feel inspired and hungry to create…Student Blog Writing Process

1) BLOG POST Wall Banner

2)  TO DO List / Steps and Timeline for Publishing a Blog Post

3) Our Blog Post Wall where Blog Post Proposals are held and neon cards are used to indicate by students if Blog Posts are in progress or published

4) Blog Post Proposal Worksheet (Link to Download)

So this week when my students told me…

“I want to write a movie review post!  I think others would like reading it!!”

“I want to write about the Blood Moon.  There is one coming this month!”

My morning greetings went from simply hello or good morning to a spew of ideas and I want to write abouts.  I can’t help but smile (ok so I waited until they left the classroom and  squealed and danced a little).   I have a classroom full of bloggers, with their own hashtags and all!

‘CLICK’ to Visit My Student’s Blog


A Moment In My Classroom: It’s Magic!

A Moment In The ClassHe had been working on a project for weeks in my classroom.  It was time to get back into our usual Social Studies routine.  I knew that the shift and transition back to this routine would take a couple of days for my student to re-adjust to the expectations of participating in class, listening to group instructions and taking notes on the topic were learning about.

He was taking the break he earned from the class before mine and I knew he would be a little late getting to my class.  He usually took notes using Microsoft word.  It worked ok for him but he still needed a lot of adult prompting and additional interventions to type his notes from the board and stay on task.  All of my older students used Google Drive docs to take all their notes on.

I wondered….

Do you think he could?

What if I??? Continue reading “A Moment In My Classroom: It’s Magic!”

A Moment In My Class #1: Today It Rained

A Moment In The Class

Every Friday in my Math class is a Snow Day.

Every Friday it snows when white pieces of paper are throw randomly on the floor around the room.

Students pick up one piece of paper from the floor and I write a math problem on the board (usually a problem from a concept we worked on during the week or a problem from past lessons)

Students solve the problem, make a snowball and toss it to a peer to get it checked

I circulate the room to ensure students are grading each others work correctly.

If a student needs to make a correction on their work, the student who graded the problem walks over to the student who solved it and explains/reteaches that student what need to correct.  If the student who solved the problem  is correct their snowball gets tossed back to them (when deciding what problems to give to students I do use this activity as an opportunity to review mastered concepts.  This keeps corrections at a minimum and allows for a lot of review, practice and positive feedback)

(Added by my students….) Then the snowball gets tossed into (or at least they try to toss it into it) the recycling bin they have set up in the front of the room to act as a basketball hoop…hand drawn back board and all.

Every week we all look forward to this class period.  It is full of movement, fun, increased interaction with their peers, great skill review and who doesn’t love to throw paper in class!

SOOOOOO today when I said to the class we are having a Snow Day I suddenly heard…



“No more snow!”

“No snow days!”

“It is SPRING!!! We have to have a RAINY DAY!!!”

As soon as the words left their mouths I couldn’t help but smile as I changed gears and sent two students to the supply cabinet to get blue notecards.

Today were were going to make it rain in in our classroom!

The Day It Rained in My Math Class

And as they crumpled up the a blue notecard after solving their math problem on it and getingt it checked, they threw it at the recycling bin and realized… even though they didn’t want a Snow Day…snow balls are easier to throw then rain!!!!

I just sat and smiled!  It was a really fun moment in my classroom!

Sometimes I Do Ok At This Mom Thing

You know those days weeks… ok years we (I have) spend trying to teach our kids to brush their teeth, put their clothes in the laundry basket, clean up their toys after they’re done playing and do their chores. You know all the talks we’ve had with our kids about each of those. Talks we’ve given over and over and over and over again! And oh let’s not forget the toys put in timeout, the loss of fun things and my favorite… I’m going to throw those toys away.

Sighhhhh sometimes it feels futile!

Then there are moments like this…
Photo: Heck Awesome

…and then I feel like I do ok at this mom thing. Because even through the goofy and silly and big sisterness I know that my words are making a difference and today she got it.  I’ll take it!


The Lego Challenge

My daughters and I saw the Lego Movie two weekends ago.  The movie exceeded my expectation to say the very least.  It left us with a message that inspired us, got our imaginations going and had us wanting to be uber creative… awesome Master Builders.

The Lego Movie also left an impression on my girls and they have been non-stop Lego builders.  They have pulled out their books, organized their Legos, built Lego creations, pulled the creations apart, pushed the books aside and started creating their own Lego creations too.

It has been Legos, Legos, Legos!

 . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Mom will you play legos with me,” Francine smiled.

“Sure!” I answered even though it was one of those I’m tired as all get out moments but I know I need to drop everything and play with her moments.

I sat on the living room floor waiting for Francine to bring the bucket of Legos into the living room.

“You coming!!!!” I yelled.

“Just a minute momma!  I’m looking for lights,” she shouted back excitedly.

I looked at Olivia’s Lego direction book that she was working from on the living room floor.  Her booklet was opened to a page  that suggested combining two small kits to make one bigger creation.

“Olivia,” I smiled, as the light bulb lit up in my head.

“What mommy,” she asked looking up at me with a I know what that tone means smile.

“I’m having an idea!”

“What is it?” she smiled excited to hear it.

MOM NOTE:  I love that they still love my ideas and think they are awesome.  I’m soaking this up as long as I can.  I’m not always sure how long this whole mom awesomeness thing is going to last! 

“Lets have a Lego Challenge,” I exclaim.

“A what?” she asks tilting her head and smiling as she asks in wonder.

“A Lego Challenge,”  I smirk at her with squinted my eyes, challenging her ” You ready?!!”

“Ok Mommy!” she says in a here goes nothing, I love my mom but I have no idea what this crazy idea of hers is kind of way.

I smile at her and pause…..

“I challenge you to build a cat transporter out of Legos!

“Ugggg that’s heavy!!!!”  Franicne sighs as she interrupts and  drops the pink container of Legos on the floor next to me.

“Hey, did you hear?  We decided to have a Lego Challenge!!” I smile and say to her.

“I’m building with lights” she frowns letting me know she does’t want to do my idea.

“Do you want to play too?”

“I have all my lights,” she says

“I know!” I smile back at her trying to get her to come around to the awesome Lego Challenge we are having,” I have a challenge all set for you. Are you ready?”

“Fiiiiinnnnnne” she says making sure I know that she will do it but she’s not going to like it because she had lights you know!

“Your challenge is to build a glowing tree house,” I tell her.

Her eyes light up as ideas start to sprout and connect in her mind, “Ok Momma but you have to build it with me!” she smiles.

“For sure!!!” I answer poking her side to get a giggle out of her.

“Mommy, look I’m done!!!” Olivia shouts.

“I’m ready for my next challenge,” Olivia announces. Continue reading “The Lego Challenge”

Presenting.Connecting.Learning…ICE 2014


Last Wednesday I had to opportunity to present at a half day session at the Illinois Computing Educators Conference (#ICE14) in St. Charles, Illinois.  Myself and two of my talented and amazing educator Jen Smith and Jenna Hacker presented a session on How to Speak the Twitter.

How To Speak The Twitter #ICE14 Session

 It was a session we had presented before.  The difference this time…we were at ICE and it was a two and a half hour session.  Presenting with them at this session was so much more then I had expected it to be.  I knew this year I wanted to hone my voice and style as a presenter.  Little did I know that this session would help me redefine and strengthen the voice I share with others, help me discover a new passion I have for being a teacher and teach me what I want to bring and give people who come to my sessions. Continue reading “Presenting.Connecting.Learning…ICE 2014”

Mom Always Said…

I don’t know about where you are at but winter has gone from …

“Ohhhh look at all that snow!  Lets go play in it”


“We’re stuck in the house againnnn??!!”


“Moooommmm she’s touching me again!”

“Mooooommmm tell her to leave me alone!”


“Do I have anything warmer then an undershirt and a long sleeve shirt and a sweater and  jeans and socks and boots and a scarf and mittens and a down jacket…cause I’m still cold!”


“Are you kidding me?! Is this ever going to end?!”


“I’m moving to Florida!!”

…but even with all of that obvious love for winter Moose has his own opinions

Always Eat Your Vegetables


Months ago my students and I threw away our paper calendars, stopped I stopped printing agendas and students tossed their more assignment notebooks.  I had found a new way to organize my self, my students and my classroom.  It was, to say the least, a new found love, an infatuation…a  full on love affair with google calendar + google drive.  There was one problem with this perfect duo (I know! Say it ain’t so)…you couldn’t upload PDF materials and type or write on them.  It wasn’t a deal breaker for this love affair but it certainly left me in search of a way for worksheets and PDF documents to be editable in Google Drive.  Once one of my students was completely converted to google drive, using only her google calendar as the this students assignment notebook and linking all documents for those assignments directly to her google calendar it quickly became apparent for her that I needed to find this solution for this student.  Having assignments in google drive and also having papers was just becoming too much for this student to manage.  It had to be all google calendar + google drive or come up with a new system.  Did I say I mention I was just a smidge in love with the google calendar+google drive duo…

“What’s this Mrs. B,” my student asked in a begging to try it please kind of way with an added giggle of untypical teenage egerness and curiosity.


“I don’t know?  Click on it,” I smiled encouraging her curiosity.  “Lets try it!” I smiled, wondering what it was and what it could do.

It was math class.

For the last two years we had struggled to find away for a student with severe dysgraphia to do math.  There’s a lot of writing in math yo!

The student clicked on the red icon and began using it to draw numbers and write problems on it.  The student was surprisingly able to write better on the mouse pad of an air mac then with a pencil.  The student experimented with adding shapes, then text.  Google drawing became a permanent tool in every Math class.


NICE Mini Conference 2014

Saturday was it.

It was the big day.

It was a HUGE BIG GIGANTIC check off of my list and goals of things I wanted to do this year!

Saturday was the day I spoke of my very first conference, the Nice Mini Con 2014.

I drove to the conference cursing. The salt and snow and mess splashed on the window of my car.  The running out of windshield wiper fluid light blinked at me.  I hoped I wouldn’t have to stop to fill it up. It would be just my luck to present my first conference covered in windshield wiper fluid.

My stomach churned with nerves.

I ate my breakfast and drank my water.  I would  get my coffee right before I got to the conference.  Yes…it would also be just my luck that my coffee would drip drip drip, leaving me with an oh so attractive and professional  coffee stain somewhere unhideable.   I went through the script of my sessions in my head.  Before I knew it was there and coffee and windshield wiper fluid stain free!  I checked in and found my way to the room I was presenting at.

Continue reading “NICE Mini Conference 2014”

The Importance of Time

I parked the car and saw them sitting at the middle table nearest to the window.  Olivia had just gotten her hair cut, Francine was along for the ride (there was no way she was going to miss anything) and we were at our usual post haircut spot… Noodles (don’t ask me why or how but for whatever reason it has become a post haircut tradition).

Sitting at the middle table was a slicked back silver haired grandfather and a 12 something,  skeleton embellished black and white striped fuzzy lined knit capped wearing teenaged boy. “HUH! That’s an odd looking pair.  I bet that 12 year old can’t wait until that meal is over,” I thought judging by what I saw.

My daughters and I ordered our food.  They got their drinks from their favorite touch a thousand buttons to get to their drink with goofy flavors machine.

“I want ice in mine!” Francine requested as she tip toed to reach the ice button. “I can do it myself Momma!” She smiled reminding me as I lifted her to reach the buttons.

“I don’t want ice in mine,” Olivia declared.

“Ok,” I smiled  hovering my hand under Francine’s cup hoping she wouldn’t spill, while trying not to interfere with her independence and glancing back at Olivia making sure she didn’t overflow her cup.

We found a table and sat down.  As we waited for our food to come we stated to talk.  I asked them what was new with them.  How was school on Friday?  One question lead to talking that led to another question and more talking…The flood gates had suddenly been open. Continue reading “The Importance of Time”

Flooded with Words…My 2014 Resolution

It started with a Fast Company article: Google Reveals Its 9 Principles of Innovation.  Each of the nine points spoke to me, whispered to me…take big risks, try new ideas, new strategies and new interventions. Do it even when part of me doubts myself or worries what others will think.  Take more time to draw and create artistically.  It fills you up and fuels a creative and bohemian side of me.


It was Tracie from From Tracie.  She shared her reflections of 2013 and her resolution to Act in 2013.  Her words were strong, honest and deeply moving.  She spoke from the heart and with great disappointment in herself.  She was so honest and so deeply reflective.  I admired her level of reflection and her dedication to looking deeply and striving to better herself.  Heck, I couldn’t remember what my resolution for 2013 was.

THEN Continue reading “Flooded with Words…My 2014 Resolution”

Bright Idea #2: Goodnotes App

I first heard of the Goodnotes app at SET Connections SPun Special Education Technology Conference (think unconference meets Special Education).  I sat in my first session.  A group of us (ok…three of us) were in one of the classrooms sharing.  A younger educator needed ideas to bring back to her district to share with her staff, so myself and another special education teacher shared what we were using in our classrooms.  We spilled ideas and technology tools we used in our classrooms.  The room was filled with,

“Oh yeah I know that!”

“Oh Yeah! I love that tool!”

“Oh no I didn’t know about that one!”

“OOOOOO that’s a great one!”

…then suddenly… Continue reading “Bright Idea #2: Goodnotes App”