MEMEday Week #4

Life is such a whirl-wind.  No one warned me that when we decided to sign our two daughters up for fall soccer my life would go from manageable to tornado whirling , life energy sucking, absolutely no time for my self chaos.  Well Shirley told me, but she told me this weekend… thanks for the heads up.  Working full time and now the addition of four lovely days a week of soccer has left me no time to work out (I miss running and feeling fit soooooo much) and no time to blog. Unless you consider falling asleep at the computer and your forehead hitting the keyboard writing a post blogging then I write a post every night.  Until that counts my tired butt can’t manage to stay up past ten.   In the past couple weeks (besides being exhausted)… no last month or so I have slowly been compiling MEME ideas.  Ideas float around in my head stored until they are plucked, created and then released.

Some of my ideas have been inspired by my daughter…. Like this one  my father took this of her at a children’s museum.   I could not wait to work my magic on it and make it something more beautiful.

This sketch I drew.  Inspired by @coffeelovinmom and a tweet she sent out.  I can’t wait to share it with her….

This Twitter inspired MEME inspired by @L8enough

This MEME I already put out there for my lovely friend Sunday (@xtremeparnthood) on her anniversary.  I had to share it again!

and this gorgeous man (one of my most favorite MEME subjects) with an ode to my week…

as we enter a new week…one that already is looking more manageable then the last…

Happy New Week!

Abby and Her Key

I have been truly blessed by the people I have met blogging and tweeting. If you’ve known me long enough you know that when I first started blogging I was certain I was going to get stalked or my kids would get kidnapped if I shared too much about the real me.  I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined the wonderful friendships that would be formed.

I don’t remember the first time I “talked”.   I say talked but it really is tweeted with Abby or maybe I read one of her posts ( first and then tweeted with her… I guess I really don’t remember the first time I talked to her!   The first post I remember reading of Abby’s involved an bon fire, her brother, her mom and dad and a tree.

My cheeks hurt from smiling, my side ached from laughing but most of all I was left in awwww.  I was in awww of the fantastic family she had, the love they had for each other and how the hell they could all get each other in such a state.  Most of all I was in awwww of Abby’s ability to bring that moment to life in drawings,  her ability to embrace the hystericalness of it all and her comfort with putting it out there.

To say the least I was hooked!!

Each week I waited for the latest Abby post. What would she do next?!   What crazy fun perspective would she bring to life?  I couldn’t wait to see!

One average Saturday.  Well,  average if you call running from ballet recital to a princess party average.  I was sitting at the princess party, stuck because my daughter was a bit nervous and she really wanted me to stay, but oh my lordy was I board.  I sent out a tweet proclaiming by princess party boredom.  The moment that she tweeted back a sassy, giddy, excited totally Abby reply was the moment  Abby went from being a stranger and an absolutely cherished friendship began.  That and a very princess princess party of our own was had!

The more I chatted and got to know Abby, the more we started writing posts together.

Her enthusiasm,  creative perspective on life and discoverer of all things hilarity started to rub off on me!  Creating became more than writing a memoirs.  It became putting beautiful words together with stunning pictures.

It became finding the funny in the everyday and adding the sexy.

Then it became me picking up a pen and tapping into my long forgotten drawing skill…

note to reader…If you’re wondering what is up with all the Donnie Walhberg.  Yeah… that’s Abby.  She likes him just a smidge!!!

Then it happen.  Last week,  I sat at my desk at work,  writing a welcome back post to my parents.  I suddenly found myself adding more fun to it.  I found myself bringing in the funny.  It was a day I will never forget.  It was the day I knew I could never thank Abby enough.  Throughout all of this,  throughout the silliness, the photo shopped pictures and the drawings Abby did something.  She unlocked something deep inside of me.  Creating posts and teaming up with her pulled something out of me that had long been buried away.   Sure I knew I was a relatively creative person.  I knew I could draw OK.  I had a pretty good eye for making things.  Suddenly it was like I was given permission to pull out a long hidden skill.  Abby unlocked this amazingness inside of me.  She showed me it was OK to bring out the fun.  It was OK for me to draw (and actually show my drawings to other people) and push my creative limits.  She showed me that it’s fun to grab up all the silly life brings you and put my own twist on it.  Most of all she taught me it is totally OK for me to love being me,  for me to have fun being me and it was OK for me to look deep for long forgotten skills and create!  The moment I pushed the publish button of that classroom blog post I knew in that instant she had unlocked an energy, a fun, a zest and a creative freedom I had long forgotten.  For that, I am more grateful than she will ever know because she unlocked my fun!




MEMEday Week #3

I am seriously obsessed with the Big Bang Theory.

It has even gotten to the point that when I turn the point that when I turn on an episode to watch I hear my six year old sigh and say, “Oh mom not again!”

I seriously can not help myself.  I can not remember the last TV show that caused me to laugh out loud more then once per episode.  I find myself thoroughly excited to see what story plots and lines this quarky, incredibly talented and absolute comic genius writers will think of next.

…and then I continue to watch and happily laugh out loud!

As I watch my most favorite laugh out loud make me snort TV show I could not help but be inspired by Sheldon Cooper and his famous BAZINGA.  By inspired I mean it is meme a time and this weeks memes are all things BAZINGA!

In case you are not familiar with the Sheldon Cooper BAZINGA here is a clip that will catch you up…




Do you have an idea for a BAZINGA too?

I’d love to hear it!

Leave your BAZINGA in the comments section and

if it meets Sheldon Coopers standards for BAZINGAness

I’ll share it in BAZINGA meme next week!

(and that’s no BAZINGA)







Genius, Giggles and Jets

An hour and a half drive. Four hours swimming. Carrying a double ride figure-eight tube up a three-story wooden stair case more times then I can count. Trips down the slides. Rides on the lazy river.  Exhausted after a fantastic day, we were finally settled back in the hotel room.

Screeches filled the two-story loft style hotel room we were staying in (beyond a treat for us) as the four girls whirl around discovering each part of it.  Walking into the main floor bathroom I discovered the two person, a small child could swim in, jacuzzi whirlpool tub in the bathroom.

“Let’s fill it up. The girls can play in it while we wait for the pizza to get here.” Holly geniusly suggests.

With a deep relieved sigh of a mother with no more energy left, “Yes! That is a great idea.”

I didn’t waste second yelling, “GGGIIIIRRRLS come and see this tub! What until you see what it does!”

Giggles and laughter fill the hotel room as all four girls, ages 4-6 see the tub.  Their giddiness and happy giggles turn to screeches as they get in the tub together eager to continue their adventures and fun filled day.

Holly and my friendship started when we started teaching the same year, we were fresh, green, nieeve, brand spankin new teachers. Over the twelve years we shared a classroom (probably close to the most fun, collaborative, creative and one of the most rewarding times in my career). We collaborated, worked together on projects, shared duties, knew all of the kids on each others case loads, grew together as teachers and taught each other tricks and tools we still use today. She got married. I went to her wedding. We had babies six months apart…Twice.  We both had two girls. We hung out. We spent time together. We developed a great friendship. Over the twelve plus years we created the kind of friendship that you can go months without seeing each other and then the instant you see each other it is like no time has ever passed.  The kind of friendship that when our schedules finally allow us to find free time for each other, I talk her ear off and smile until my cheeks hurt and the time was never enough.

As screeches and loud giggles bounce around the bathroom walls. Holly and I waste no time catching up. We shared stories about our husband. We commiserated and reminded each other we are not the only one whose husband does this or that. We shared our fears about our daughters up coming school year. We catch up on gossip about work.

“Mommmmmyyyyyy!!!!! I think the tub is full enough now!” one of the girls shouts.

Holly and I walk into the bathroom to turn on the whirlpool jets.  Excitement ozzes out of our girls as they anticipate the excitement of this brand new experienced. With one firm push of a button the jets come to life.  Ear piercing giddy screams fill the room as the girls are surprised by the force of the jets and this newly discovered fun.  Smiling, Holly and I go back to the kitchen  to continue our chatting assured that the girls will be entertained for quite sometime.

“That was such a good idea putting them in the tub.” I say to Holly. “This will for sure keep them busy until the pizza gets here. I’m sure after all that swimming my girls are ravenous. This will keep their mind off of being hungry ”

“They are having so much fun,” she smiles.

Minutes pass…a half hour passes…  soon we begin to hear louder happier, giddier,  gigglier fun coming from the bathroom.

“I better go check on them,” Holly says raising her eyebrows, knowing that it is her turn to check.

As I pour more chips into the bowl we are snacking on I suddenly hear Holly say from the bathroom..

my attention to the perfect after swimming, before deep dish pizza, during mom and girl talk snack is suddenly interrupted as I laugh out loud, and fall over (seriously… I was on the floor) roaring in laughter and slapping the floor as tears stream down my eyes.  And as Holly walks out of the bathroom her I can’t believe I just said that out loud, no one ever told me that combination of words would ever leave my lips, did I just use vagina and jets in the same sentence straight face instantly erupted into uncontrollable laughter!



MEMEday Week#2

I went to a book club. It was my very first ever.  It was so much fun and I got to meet some fantastic woman and the book was great too (bonus). Like a giddy little 5 year old excited for their first play date with a new friend…. ok, giddy like I get (did I just compare myself to a 5 year old). Ok I was giddy for my first ever, first all time book club meeting.

I logged into the book club. How cool is that? Not only was it my first book club, it was also vertual. Seventy woman from all over the United States and some from other countries reading the same book came to talk about it. I was ready. I had read the book. Ok ,I hadn’t quite finished all of it but I read enough of it to be an intelligent participant.

“OMG I love NKOTB.”

“Yes, they were so hot.”

“Oh, can you imagine them shirtless!!”

“I saw them in concert.”

“You did not!”

{Flowed through the Chat Box}

I came to book club and fans of shirtless NKOTB showed up!

and then this happen… “Laverne you know that means we need a book club NKOTB meme! Being that it was Abby that asked. Being that I adore her. Being that she is one of my most favorite blogging and tweets in the whole wide interneting universe. Being that I have a slight problem infatuation with memes… I said YES!!!!!!

I would also like to give a very special, from the bottom of I now know more then I ever thought I needed to ever in the whole wide world about NKOTB, thanks to Abby for spreading her love affair, crush love for all things NKOTB and Donnie Wahlberg with me this week all because I went to Book Club and …

My life will never be the same…. Oh Lordy!!!!

Sharing Her Gift…

Today I am giddy…. no that is not right.

Today I am deeply and absolutely moved to even be a part of this post.  Today Abby of Abby Gabs is sharing a story that close…comes from deep in her heart.  I am honored to have created all the word art on the photographs and touched to have created the visuals that would help tell this fantasticly beautiful, brave, and deeply moving story.

So what are you waiting for?

‘CLICK’ yourself some sunshine and head on over. It is certain to touch your heart (the story not the sunshine…the sunshine is cute though right?!  I drew it myself.  I’m rambling. Ok ‘CLICK’ and get out of here)!

Once Upon a Time…

I remember vividly the months leading up to the launch of Just Be Enough.  I remember Elena’s tweets sharing her new idea.  I remember my tweets back and my emails telling her that I wanted to be a part of this fantastic new adventure.  I remember my time as a contributor at Just Be Enough.  I remember and hold each piece I wrote there close to my heart.  I remember the amazing group of woman and each of their parts in molding, coaching, teaching, encouraging, giving me the confidence to discover, use and own my voice.  I remember each moment I spend there today.  I remember each day how lucky I am to always be a part of Just Be Enough.

I am indescribably excited to be joining the Just Be Enough group as they celebrate their one year anniversary.   To help celebrate it they asked us to create our own self-portrait, expressing how we would represent ourselves.

I couldn’t think of a better way to share my self-portrait then to share the story of me…

I adore you Elena… you incredible woman!

Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

You and all of the contributors have meant and mean so very much to me!!!




MEMEday: Week 1

Today starts the very firstEach Sunday I am sharing one of the many memes I love to create!  Who knows where the inspiration will come from or what the topic will be. I only know that it will be fun…and what else is a girl who is inspired by words, loves to create and adores making memes supposed to do?!   So with out more babbling and rambling I give you Sunday MEMEday Week 1!.

. . . . . .

The other night Amy from Accidential Musings tweeted…

Suddenly my thoughts were instantly taken to…

Actually no…first I replied to Amy’s tweet…

then I was taken to my summers as a child…

Living in Florida meant having a pool in our backyard (most of our street did). Having a pool meant spend almost everyday running around in our bath suits, from breakfast to dinner. My sisters and splashed and swam in the pool. Everyday of summer was like this. We swam, we jumped off the diving board, we rode bikes, we floated, we played tag, we had carefree, no worries, wonderful childhood fun. Then this happened…

I loved that movie. I loved the entire thing about it… awful fake shark and all!!
I loved it until in had to get back in the swimming pool. Suddenly my thoughts were no longer so carefree. My mind wandered and played tricks on me. It whispered things that would bring pause to my stroke as suddenly a vision of Jaws entered my head (don’t even get me started on the mind games the movie played on my head when we went to the beach).


Eventually Jaws 2 came out. Even more campy then the first, but what can I say I’m a sucker for a terrible fake shark, an island small town and Sheriff Brody.

And as the thoughts of killer sharks messed with my mind the genius movie makers decided that just two Jaws movies were not enough. How about three? And this time lets make it 3D!

So when Amy ranted (I love when she rants and I love teasing her even more) …

I really could not agree with her more!

Just Me and Him

I sat down and shut the car door.  The excitement of the anticipation and trying something new-made me smile and bounce a little as I waited for him to take his spot in the driver’s seat.  My excitement was temporarily halted when he finally got into the car.

Suddenly I reminded myself,  “Oh yeah… I was miffed (actually more than miffed but I can not bring myself to swear on my blog)  at him.”

My lack of appreciation for sarcasim, coupled with my annoyance of trying to interpret it and addition of no date night in too many weeks, months to count left me…

Pulling out of the drive way he turned to drive down our street, but stopped the car.  He looked at me and smiled as he held my hand.  All the pressures of motherhood, managing a house, interpreting sarcasm, nights of mismatched schedules instantly disappeared.

Suddenly it was just me and him…

We were two people in love with each other.

We were a couple in love without a worry in the world.

Our only requirement of the day was to hold hands, sit close, enjoy this amazing day and…

…gather all the reminders we can about why we love each other so very much!





So This Is What It’s Like…

Today begins the first of a three part series of posts I am pairing up to do with the adorable, fabulously created, leave me in awww talented, do they get any more amazing, just plain fantastic Abby from Abby Gabs.  I absolutely giddy about working with her again…. because how can you not team up with someone again after you’ve had a sparkly glitter infused Princess Party together.

. . .


If you are a mom you know what planning for and taking a family vacation… a family road trip from Michigan to Long Island, New York to Washington D.C. twelve hours, six hours hours in the car at a time is like.  Memorable is the first word that comes to mind right?  No.  How about memories that will last a life time?  No.  How about ooohhhhhh I can just imagine the wonderfulness of vacationing just me and my husband (at least that is what I dream about).  I dream of vacations just like Abby and Brian’s…

In the end when you come home the refrigerator is empty, the car needs to be cleaned out, luggage needs to be unpacked and…

TONS and TONS and TONS of laundry needs to be done!

Vacations are all the same.

They are full of amazing memories that will not be forgotten!

Wait just a second…. You mean even if you vacation without kids you still have to do laundry.  Where is that laundry fairy I ordered?

So who’s folding all this laundry for us?


Surviving the Fire

The yelling, posturing, limit testing, and book throwing teenagers strolled out of the room.  As the last student left the classroom, my hand swiftly grabbed the door and slammed it shut as fast as I could.  Stepping away from the doors window, tears exploded from my eyes as rapid uneven breathing turned into sobbing.  It had been all I could do to not lose it in front of my 8th grade students.

This went on for days.

I dreaded 9th period.

A couple of days later she pulled me into office.  The offices low ceiling made the office dim, but cozy.  I had watched my Vice Principal talk to and joke around with the students in my class.  Barb was tough, but fair and the kids knew she cared about them.  She was respected.  She asked me to sit in the blue chair across from her large desk.  The fabric of the chair’s fabric prickled the back of my legs.  Petite is stature, Barb’s confidence in her ability to work with students, her knowledge and her experience never made you doubt her ability to handle herself.  You… the students just didn’t mess with her!  I needed no convincing that things needed to change.  Instead of reprimand or making me aware of my areas of weakness she offered me something.  She offered to teach me.  And what she taught me would change everything, forever.

She taught me how to establish guidelines.  She taught me four classroom guidelines that would cover any behavior I would ever run into.  Four guidelines that I still use to this day (13 years later) .  Guidelines that have become the foundation of my behavior management skills.  She taught me to create a classroom behavior modification system, using warnings and time-outs.  This taught me how to establish  and provide boundaries and structure for my students.  She taught me how to make a point sheet.  She showed me how to create a tool that would ensure my students would be rewarded for their buy into what I was doing and that they would know, feel and be rewarded for their good choices

Thirteen years later I can still remember the face of each of the six students in that 9th period class.  I vividly can remember the first classroom handwritten point sheet I ever created.  I can remember desks being thrown and books flying.  I can remember playing Monopoly or Sorry with them on Fridays when they had earned enough points.  I can remember the day it didn’t matter what it dished I could take it and they felt safe because of the structure I established.  And I can remember the day 9th period ended and  I did not cry.

I met the most challenging students I have ever worked with during my first year of teaching.  It was initiation by fire.  If you asked my husband (then finance) what he remembers from my first year of teaching her would tell you he didn’t think I would make it. If you asked me,  I wouldn’t traded that experience for anything.  Barb’s lessons set the foundation for the teacher I am today. That experience gave me the skills to work with ANY student.  It also lit a fire in me, a passion, a desire to work with the most behaviorally and emotionally challenging students.  It created the foundation of the teacher I am today.

I can only hope that the teacher I have become would make Barb very proud! 


Sharing Their Words

I love when I smile.

I love when I am inspired.

I love when words move me… I mean make me sit up taller, energy up my test, make me say woooooooow move me.

There are some many beautiful and inspiring writers out there.  I have some favorites.  Others I find by accident.  My favorite part about reading someone else’s work is when the words fly off the page at me and move me deep down inside.  It is even better if they are the words of a friend.

Just Be Enough: Guest Post

Almost exactly a year ago today Elena was inspired.  She had an idea, a vision and fire burning deep inside.  She had a mission and I wanted to be part of it.  Any part of it!  Pushing through all the anxiety and knotting stomach (my anonymity was was even more fiercely protected back then) I knew deep down inside her vision was something special, so I took a very deep breath and one huge gigantic leap off a cliff and let her know that I wanted to help her in anyway I could.

By the end of last summer Just Be Enough was up and running and I had been offered a contributors spot.   Being part of the Just Be Enough team was one of the most amazing experiences.   You see Elena and the group of woman at Just Be Enough do not just write posts about being enough.  They teach others that they are enough and if they can’t teach you they will take you by the hand, stay by your side and show you (no matter how long the journey).

How do I know?

They taught me.

The woman of Just Be Enough taught me to trust others in social media.  They taught me that friendships can be formed and flourish over social media.  They taught what me unwavering support is. What unconditional acceptance of all feelings, mistakes and choices really is.  And when my time at Just Be Enough came to an end they wrapped their virtual arms around me and never, not ever went away.

I hope that you will join me today as I return to a place that warms my heart and overwhelms me with joy.


Come visit with me as I guest post at Just Be Enough today…