Hats of a Many Sorts

Today we are joined by an unlikely Adventurer. For months my husband has watched, self-lessly supported my newest adventure and has proudly read every post I have written. Today he has decided he wanted to take a turn and lend his voice to the Kindred Adventure! He is throwing his hat into the ring… (Pun…I know. I couldn’t help myself!)

Have you ever realized how many hats you wear in a given day?  It is no wonder why at the end of long work week we are so tired.

Take my wife for example. When she wakes up in the morning, she is my blushing bride, even though it has been 13 years of marriage. She wears the hat of ‘wife.’

Shortly after waking up and wearing the hat of wife, she is off to get ready for work. At that point it is just her and her thoughts. Planning for the day she wears the hat of ‘herself’.
Now it is downstairs to get dressed and do hair for what will certainly be an adventure at work. But before she dawns on the hat of‘ teacher, ‘mentor’ and ‘friend’ she will wear more hats.
Before work she also wears the hat of ‘mother’ as she makes sure her girls have the clothes they need because she will be gone before theywake.
She wears the hat of ‘concerned citizen’ as she drives towork listen to Chicago’s 720 AM.
She wears the hat of  ‘driver’ as she makes her way down the road to where she will once again touch a child’s heart and mind. Once at work,she wears the hat of ’teacher.’
She endures a long day but fruitful day because the hat of a ‘teacher’ is one that she has longed for her entire life. Does that hat fither, I believe it does!
She is on her way home now, wearing the hat of ‘driver’ again enduring lots of traffic and the wonderful world of construction that Illinois highways always provide.
It doesn’t stop there though. Once home, she becomes the Nascar driver that just won the race, taking pictures with crew and dawning anew hat for each of his sponsors. She is ‘mommy,’ ‘loving daughter,’ ‘lovingwife,’ and when the texting starts, ‘a great friend.’
That’s a lot of hats! It is no wonder why she is so tired at the end of the week! That’s when I have to make sure to wear my hat and stand tall as ‘loving husband.’

Ok so… he’s a keeper huh?! And I’m a lucky gal, but I already knew that!

                                                                        (we might just need to come up
                                                                                             with a nick name for him)