Minky Moo and Her Instagram

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

Today it is Minky {Moo}’s turn!

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!   


I didn’t have to spend too much time on Twitter before I was introduced to Minky {Moo}.

Minky {Moo}… 
A mink?

What a mink coat…mink wrap?

…and a cow?

I’ve heard some clever blog names before, but….O-K-aaaaaaaa!
A quick ‘click’ of my mouse and a light gray and yellow vintage flower print detailed by classic buttons filled my computer screen.  Dial M for Minky {Moo} Motherhood and Mimosas… I still don’t get it! (after a bit of research…aka internet stalking I have learned that Mink Moo was actually the name of one of her cats…I think).  I got to know her better through Just.Be.Enough, Facebook and #Sixthings (need a laugh…See Stephanie at work sharing her #sixthings).  She is quick witted, will make you laugh out loud, is warm and accepting, madly in love with her sons and a picture sharing momma.  To others she is Stephanie…Yes, Stephanie… Stephanie Stearns Dulli.  Actress, comedian, writer and now a director.   To me she is a momma and a Instagram Goddess! 
You see thanks to Stephanie I have a new love.  Yes, besides Twitter, blogging and Pinterest… I now have Instagram too.  Everyday I can count on Stephanie for at least a couple of Instagram pictures.  Whether it is a baby fix and a swoon with an #uptotheminutehuck or “Boss” giving Stephanie a run for her money or making her giggle.  She fills my feed with fun Instagram pictures.

WARNING LABEL: Viewing these pictures may cause swooning, awwwws , giggles or smiles.                   These unpredictable side effects and are no fault of this blog… 
It is all Stephanie’s fault!

“The Boss”*
26 pictures later I am fully in love with Instagram’s ease of use and artsy filters.  I enjoy sharing my families adventures with close friends and relatives.  Stephanie’s simple act of filling my life with #uptotheminutehuck’s and snap shots of the “Boss” have reminded me that a mother’s deep love for her children and small everyday moments contain fun, giggles, laughter and surprises others want to see!  
Thank You Stephanie!

*All pictures used in this post were used with the consent of Stephanie Dulli  aka Minky Moo