Let’s Talk Cupcakes

I first wrote about Kirsten from TheKir Corner during one of my very first Talking to Strangers posts.  Kirsten had written about and her cupcakes back in November.  I was moved by her post comparing her comments to cupcakes.   She wrote words like:

“…they are an instant celebration in a small paper cup.”

“I believe our stories are our cakes, our attempts at baking from scratch and setting it on the table so everyone can look at and admire it. We want our guests to enjoy the dessert we offer, to smack their lips and lick their forks, satisfied with our effort.

“A dainty yet delectable slice of my heart that I give you in exchange for the stories and secrets you have made and shared with me.”

She even went on to share, “I may not be good at a lot of things, but I can promise you that if I read your words, I will never leave your space without leaving a whole lot of sweetness behind.”

She moved me.  She inspired me.  She inspired me to also want to share kindness, positive words, meaningful words that would bring a smile or even happiness to someones’ day.

A twitter account @inapaperwrapper, a whole 632 tweets, a Pinterest board and six weeks after it started my mission to spread cupcakes was smooshed and I was pooped!  I LOVED what the cupcakes did for others… If I was on Twitter and I saw that  a mom or twitter friend was having a bad day, grumping about mom stuff or just down I would sent out a tweet with a link to something (usually a cupcake) that would cheer them up.  It was so much fun to do and it made me feel good.  Unfortunately it was just too much and after about six weeks I stopped doing it.  I was disappointed to say the least.

. . . . . . . . .

Fast forward to a week ago…I was checking my email and I saw that Kirsten has left me a comment on one of my posts. I excitedly read it and there it is again….

Her words, her….

How did she put it?

Oh yes, “A dainty yet delectable slice of my heart that I give you in exchange for the stories and secrets you have made and shared with me.”

With tears of happiness welling in my eyes and a full blown #HeyGirl Ryan Gosling addition I was inspired all over again…

A note from Laverne:  I have been dying to get this piece written for the last week.  Now that it is written and my inspiration has been shared you can expect a cupcake every Wednesday and on a really good week some #HeyGirl Ryan Gosling too (I swoon for him… what can I say!).

I can only hope that these cupcakes do for others half of what

Kirsten’s “cupcakes” do!!

and just because…

Spreading Cupcakes: Week 2 Update

I take to Twitter once a day to search.  I search for fellow Tweeters who could use a smile.  I have no prerequisites, no standard, no must be.  I read, I explore, I notice and then I tweet.  I tweet to surprise.  I tweet to change a moment.  I tweet to spread smiles.

As of Week 2 @InAPaperWrapper (Laverne’s alter Twitter Ego) has spread 30 thoughtful tweets each with something sweet.  Here is a sample of some of the cupcakes I’ve spread (this Storify feed may not display on cell phones…sorry).  

Go ahead try one!

<a href=”http://storify.com/InAPaperWrapper/spreading-cupcakes” target=”_blank”>View the story “Spreading Cupcakes (Week 2)” on Storify</a>] 

Tomorrow I will take to Twitter again. I will search. I will explore.  I will Tweet… Then I will smile as my heart is filled with warmth from the {smiles} and {giggles} I get back in return.


Want to know how it all started? 

“Click” a cupcake
be part of this new adventure

@InAPaperWrapper: Unwrap Your Tweet…Laverne is spreading a little something special  with each thoughtful tweet! Inspired by @thekircorner