MEMEday Week #4

Life is such a whirl-wind.  No one warned me that when we decided to sign our two daughters up for fall soccer my life would go from manageable to tornado whirling , life energy sucking, absolutely no time for my self chaos.  Well Shirley told me, but she told me this weekend… thanks for the heads up.  Working full time and now the addition of four lovely days a week of soccer has left me no time to work out (I miss running and feeling fit soooooo much) and no time to blog. Unless you consider falling asleep at the computer and your forehead hitting the keyboard writing a post blogging then I write a post every night.  Until that counts my tired butt can’t manage to stay up past ten.   In the past couple weeks (besides being exhausted)… no last month or so I have slowly been compiling MEME ideas.  Ideas float around in my head stored until they are plucked, created and then released.

Some of my ideas have been inspired by my daughter…. Like this one  my father took this of her at a children’s museum.   I could not wait to work my magic on it and make it something more beautiful.

This sketch I drew.  Inspired by @coffeelovinmom and a tweet she sent out.  I can’t wait to share it with her….

This Twitter inspired MEME inspired by @L8enough

This MEME I already put out there for my lovely friend Sunday (@xtremeparnthood) on her anniversary.  I had to share it again!

and this gorgeous man (one of my most favorite MEME subjects) with an ode to my week…

as we enter a new week…one that already is looking more manageable then the last…

Happy New Week!

Heck Awesome Comments


14 Replies to “MEMEday Week #4”

    1. I am happy you liked it. I remember the day you wrote that tweet well. I could not wait to create something with it. I am fairly certain that you my dear will surely inspire more 🙂

    1. I have been hanging on to that idea for forrrrreeever! I had so much fun making it. It was my first hand drawn meme. I drew the cup, coffee and steam. I am so happy you liked it!

    1. Allie!!!!! It is so wonderful to see you here. My goodness how long has it been since we tweeted with each other…forever! I love that you loved the MEME and I am beyond happy that his hotness could add to the good day Tuesday was dishing to you. I hope its hotness continued throughout the day!

    1. Awwww thank you my sweet friend! I have been having tons of fun creating with pictures and drawings. While it does not seem like writing I am having tons of fun coming up with the words to fill the space on the pictures that will make others ooo, awwww, giggle, smile or sigh. So much fun. The one with my daughter is one of my favorites too. She did that unprompted as a shadow on the wall. Her imagination leaves me in awwww.

    1. geeeeeeee! I am so happy you stopped by! That Ryan MEME is probably my most favorite I ever made. I am happy you enjoyed it. Speaking of MEMEs the name of your favorite hottie. Frelle needs some MEMEs made for her 😉

      1. my favorite hottie is Christian Bale. 🙂 I would love if you decided to show me/help me/make a CB meme like ryan 😉

        He was in newsies and swing kids in the early/mid 90s and he is the current Batman.
        Frelle recently posted..Keep My DistanceMy Profile

  1. I was hanging out over at Late Enough and found you! Sometimes I wish I had wrote anonymously! Eventually people are really going to disown me in my family:/ But it doesn’t stop me from using my voice! My current post is a Link Up for Women to empower us/them! Come check it out and add something PuLease!

    Dazed and Creative just wrote I AM Project Link Up for Women
    Dazed and Creative recently posted..You Found Me!My Profile

    1. Well I am happy I found Alex and that you found me! Anonymity is a funny thing. I used to cling to it for fear my real identity would be discovered. It would get discovered that I was blogging, that I was sharing things about myself. Its original intent was never so that I could write unkind things or anything like that, I was simply fiercely protective of the the real me. With each month and now years that have gone by I find myself slowly giving away more and more of the real me and my confidence growing. The funny part to me is now Laverne really is part of who I am and I love that part of me. I work really hard, to the point that its a rule of mine, if I wouldn’t say it to their face I do not write it. It is amazing how powerful our voices are. Isn’t it awesome!!! I absolutely will check it out! I am so happy you too the time to come and visit. I hope we see more of each other -LV

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