Classroom Gamification Organization

Gamifiers organize their classroom gamification systems in all kinds of ways. Me…. well I’m old school. Paper, dividers, clear sleeves, envelopes and a big honkin binder! 

Today while organizing my elements for my year long game of my gamified classroom I realized that there is great power in looking back, seeing where you have come from and how far you have come. Oh and I also give you a peek into my binder and how I organize my game and its elements.

Organizing Your Gamified Classroom

Interested in learning more, bringing it to your classroom and using it to bring out the very best in your students? Check out more of my vlogs about my classroom, gamifying and learning. 

Other peeps and resources to check out too:

#XPLAP Twitter Chat

Michael Matera

#XPLAP Book Study 2 Notes

#XPLAP Chat Design Challenge Theme Notes

#XPLAP Chat Mini-Games and Quest Ideas 

Stefanie Crawford

Adam Powley


The Moment My Gamified Classroom Almost Failed

Back in August (ouch…its been a long time) I decided I would take a huge leap and share my gamification planning process. I had big plans. I would start by sharing my planning process and then throughout the months to come I would continue sharing by giving others deeper insight on my process. I decided to start by sharing the process of how I create my game and what goes on in my head when I am creating it. I recorded my process, components I consider and my thinking. I finished what was going to be the first in a series and proudly typed “ This is the first part in “My Gamification Process Series” (I’ll be recording and sharing my entire process as I create this year’s game)”. I hit the publish key.

….then there were crickets.

Nothing. Continue reading “The Moment My Gamified Classroom Almost Failed”