
My head is swimming with ideas.  The words I need to start escape me and are surrounded and distracted by all the things I want to say.  My stomach flutters with anticipation and excitement.  I worry that others will lose their way getting here and my words will go unread.  My heart is pumped by sheer giddiness.  I can barely contain my excitement to share this space.

…and then tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

I had no idea when I started blogging almost two years ago that I would ever have a space like this.  I couldn’t have begun to  fathom the confidence I would have in my own voice, let alone think that I would have found something so very wonderful deep inside of me. I don’t even know where to begin.  Should I thank Shirley for her crazy idea to start blogging?  Should I thank the amazing ladies at JustBeEnough for showing me patience, unconditional love and unwavering support?  Should I thank those of you who so gently nudged me and then held my hand as I made the switch to WordPress?  Or should I thank all the followers, tweets and blogging friends that followed me on my adventures at Kindred Adventures?   As I contemplate how to welcome you all to this new space of mine I am overwhelmed (and still crying) by a enormous weight of gratitude.

I am grateful for being blow away by the woman I meet and the unselfish kindess they show.  I am grateful for all the questions they tirelessly answer, for helping with problems and for the kind words they give without ever expecting anything in return.   My heart is filled with warmth everyday and it continuously leaves me overwhelmed.  This world we share, this blogging world, is a place we share our words and let others peek inside our hearts is more wonderful then even I could have imagined.

So as I enter into this newest adventure I am proposing a revolution…

a Karmic Revolution!

A revolution that ensures others in our blogging and twitter world know the meaning of their action and are recognized for the gifts they give to us.

Today it starts…

Give the hashtag #KarmaPlus or @Karma_Plus to others


Let them know their impact on you!

 I can not think of a better way to christen this blog then

to tell others what their words and actions mean to us!