Flooded with Words…My 2014 Resolution

It started with a Fast Company article: Google Reveals Its 9 Principles of Innovation.  Each of the nine points spoke to me, whispered to me…take big risks, try new ideas, new strategies and new interventions. Do it even when part of me doubts myself or worries what others will think.  Take more time to draw and create artistically.  It fills you up and fuels a creative and bohemian side of me.


It was Tracie from From Tracie.  She shared her reflections of 2013 and her resolution to Act in 2013.  Her words were strong, honest and deeply moving.  She spoke from the heart and with great disappointment in herself.  She was so honest and so deeply reflective.  I admired her level of reflection and her dedication to looking deeply and striving to better herself.  Heck, I couldn’t remember what my resolution for 2013 was.

THEN Continue reading “Flooded with Words…My 2014 Resolution”

{NEW} Bright Ideas

Technology is in full swing in my classroom.  Roadblocks from earlier in the school year have been conquered.  I have a fantastic (and frankly just plain better) vision for technology usage in my classroom.  A large portion of this new version is looking into my students futures, envisioning what technology will enrich and be permanently part of their lives and ensuring that I am teaching them to use these tools to its fullest.  This change in how I view technology in my classroom and how I view its purpose for each individual student has taken me on an amazing new journey.  This journey has already been full of trying more new things in my classroom and continuing to look and try  more amazing new ideas. Continue reading “{NEW} Bright Ideas”