My Mother’s Day Gift to Me…akaOhMyLawrdy

Last Sunday I was fresh of off a day at Milwakee EdCamp.  It was an amazing experience full of learning and connecting.  There really is nothing like it.  It is a teaching and learning process that could rock so many other worlds ie.blogging world or schools.  Did I say it was AMAZING!!!!  I left there recharged, full of ideas and excited about all I had learned and the people I had met.

I sat down with my cup of coffee ready for a relaxing, do as little as humanly possible Mother’s Day.  I also hoped that after weeks and weeks of no having time to share on this space and being reminded by Olivia and Francine (who’s turn it is to post next here) that they had TONS of ideas lined up,  I would finally have time to write.  So I did what you shouldn’t and opened up my Hootsuite and then my Google+.  I’ll just peek first then I’ll write…huh!

Suddenly I found myself drawn to the educators I  had connected with on Saturday, wanting to tweet and connect more.  I was being pulled away from all my usual friends and chatterboxes that I adore.  It was something I had never experienced.  Then it happened again.  I was off to Google+ following and adding to circles educators that could enhance my learning network and bring a wealth of ideas and information into my life.  I smiled and felt a great pride build up inside of me as I connected with others, not as Laverne but as Carrie the teacher.  I was giddy.

As I patted myself on the back proud that I put myself out there a little more I was suddenly overtaken by an intense make you lose your breath, OMGAAAAWWDDDD how am I going to do this all.  AHHHHHHHHH I’m going crazy feeling.  What the h*ll was I thinking?  What was I doing?  Was I nuts?

My excitedness to put myself out there as an educator had now left me with….

2 Twitter Account….akaLaverne and Teacher Me

2 Pinterest Accounts…akaLaverne and Teacher Me

2 Google+ Account…akaLaverne and Teacher Me

2 Vine Accounts….akaLaverne and Teacher Me

3 Facebook Account….Carrie’s, akaLaverne Page and akaLaverne’s

…are you following me here.  Totally craziness … Oh and lets not forget the two blogs I have now.

As my OMGAAAAWWDDDD how am I going to do this all.  AHHHHHHHHH I’m going crazy feelings subsided I tried to brainstorm options.  Maybe I could put all of the social media from one account on my iPad and the other on my phone…yeah already tried that.  It’s not working now.   Maybe it was time to merge both worlds and start a new blog as me Carrie and me Carrie teacher…oye I am finally in my first year here at akaLaverne.  Move again.  Start another wordpress blog and merge over all the Laverne stuff and the stuff from Hold On To Your Chair…  HECK NO!!!!  Maybe it was time to merge all my accounts under a new name as me Carrie and Carrie Teacher, start a new name for myself.  Yeah,  I could do that if I wanted to confuse the heck out of all my Laverne friends and then leave all my new teacher friends thinking I was crazy!

My head hurt just thinking of all this and my restful Mother’s Day oye!  Well at least I wasn’t cleaning or doing laundry.

Suddenly hours and hours and HOURS of thinking and trial and error and enough are you kidding me’s…to put anyone on the edge a voice whispered to me…

“It’s Time.  You know it is.  It’s time to do it!”

So before all my courage could leave me and I stopped breathing from fear  and fainted…I did it.  I changed my Twitter handle to @carriebaughcum and changed my profile to include Special Education teacher and my other blog.  I changed one of my Google+ account to Carrie Baughcum and joined my akaLaverne circles with my teacher circles.  I changed my Pinterest and Vine accounts and profiles from akaLaverne to Carrie Baughcum and then I hit SAVE on all of them.  My stomach curddled and my breathing still was not normal, but I had done it!  I had combined my worlds and felt like (between the deep calming breaths I was still taking) I was shouting to the world THIS IS ME!  Carrie Baughcum… momma, wife, Special Educator teacher, mismatch sock wearer, word slinger, illustrator, idea sharer.

As the clock displayed 11:00pm I was exhausted, proud and still a bit terrified…but really proud.  This Mother’s Day I had done something I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought I would do.  I put the real me out there ready to still share as Laverne and the teacher me too.

So while akaLaverne is gone from Twitter she is by no means gone.  Laverne and this space are deep, deep part of me.  This space is a place where I LOVE to share my voice and create.   That can never ever go away.

…but I  can’t wait to see what happens next!