My Tech Ninjas

Language Arts class began just like any other class.  Students had their preferred technology open to type in or write on (giggle… I said preferred technology…they know the exact technology tools that work for them). We were  in a good flow.  I was giving instructions and students were giving me great responses. We were all smiles at the fantastic job everyone was doing and all the learning that was going on.  It was one of those periods when things were just coming all together and really clicking!  As the class continued in its rhythm I sat on a desk next to one of my student and continued to give direct instruction. I turned to my left and looked down to smile at one of my students.  His hand was raised. I called on him.

“Mrs. B I have a problem.  I can’t get this to do what I need it to do.  I try to do this and I just can’t get it to work”

I paused quickly to think of a solution and started back up giving out an additional instruction. As I continued to teach I looked down at the laptop and started to…



“All fixed,” I say to the student.

His head does a double take looking from me talking to his computer and back to me, “Wait what did you do?” Continue reading “My Tech Ninjas”