The Kitchen Table

 I opened my pink flowered journal to the page marked, “I am really…”  I close my eyes and wait for a feeling to take over me.  I wait for something that will give me inspiration.  The soft touch of a small hand and a head leaning on my shoulder brings pause to my thoughts.

“Mommy can I color,” Francine asks with a big grin, looking up at me.

“Of course!”

White, blue, yellow, red papers engulf her side of the table. They wait to be turned into masterpieces as she runs to get the crayons.



Blue, pink, yellow and green decorate the page with flowers and stick figures.

“Look Mommy! This is me and my best friend.”

“Mooooommmmmy!!!! I want to make a bracelet,” Olivia shouts from across the kitchen.  She is making certain she is not left out.

“Ok, you know where the beads are.”

Clunk! A blue and white decorated Easter tin hits the kitchen table.  Olivia opens the tin.  She pauses and stares at the beads.  Her imagination is in full gear. 



Flower, elephant, heart, heart,
star, flower, elephant…  are threaded on her string.

“Mommy!  Look what I made!  Can you tie it for me please?  Isn’t it the most beautiful.”
He walks through the living room into the kitchen.  Our eyes meet.  We smile and he walks toward me. His lips meet the small of my neck.

“I love you.”

Little glances from Olivia and Francine are followed by smiles and giggle. 

My thoughts are distracted as I answer questions, help little ones do their crafts and get in a little flirting with my husband. 

“Mommy are you done with your story,” Olivia asks.

“No, sweetie. I was just watching you.”

A feeling of happiness comes over me.  I am reminded (like so many times in my life) how really happy I am.


This Post was inspired bythis weeks Just.Be.Enough theme:  “I am feeling…”*
I am writing, posting and linking up to share my voice.
I am doing my part to carry the weight of
confidence and empowerment.
I am sharing the mission of empower and inspire
to remind women, parents and children
that the time has come to celebrate
It’s your turn now…
*Next Weeks Theme:What are you striving for?
(Remember you can also write on a topic of your choice.)

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