Where the HECK has LV been?

Into our second week of the new year and you have seen no posts, no drawings, no New Years resolution… where the HECK has Laverne been.

Maybe she got trampled by that nasty flu virus going around…. no it wasn’t that.

Maybe her holidays were crazy busy and she didn’t have time to write… no it wasn’t that. (My holiday was absolutely fantastic, low key and uber relaxing!)

Maybe she simply has not been inspired to create… no it wasn’t that (I actually have inspiration coming out of my eyeballs!  Isn’t that fantastic!)

Maybe she decided to just boycott the whole New Years resolutions thing… nope! not that either (That resolutions thing…I have one already started and prepping to share it with you!!)

Ok, LV enough with the banter!  Get to the point!

2013 arrived. I read others lovely and inspiring posts with their one word, three words or moving resolution posts.  I began to wallowed for a while, not having enough time or energy to write a New Years resolution post when the year flipped into 2013.  I wanted to join the slew of other bloggers sharing theirs.  I wanted to link up and share mine with everyone else.  I wanted to read blogs, leave comments and ooze up all the love that comes from a great link up… but I couldn’t.

Most days (holiday breaks and work weeks alike) I am left with 2-3 hours of me time at the end of the day.  It is time that I cherish and hold sacred.  I used that time to write, draw and create.  The problem with 2-3 hours is that while to the average lay person that sounds like a vast amount of time, in the blogging/creative world that time goes by like the snap of your fingers.  That time also only leaves me to work on one thing at a time.  If I am working on an illustration, I can only work on that and not write a post too (or at least I have not learned to do both), if I’m writing a post I can only do that and not draw.  If I log into Twitter….well forget about it!  Nothing gets done, but the time I spend on their with friends is so wonderful!  So you get my point.

As the New Year rolled in and I wallowed in not being able to post I started to think about what I was doing during this time.  I was adding a tweek to a friends blog design which was the … OMGAWD that is it!!  Fantastic and I was redesigning Shirley’s  blog. As I reflect on what I spent my time doing,  I realized I was doing exactly what I would want to be doing.  I was working with two friends,  designing and beautifying their spaces and I was lucky enough to be part of their journeys… and I could not have thought of a better way to welcome in 2013!







Just Write

I saw the email…Screen Shot 2012-12-27 at 9.41.30 PM

Curious, I clicked the link to explore what this could be.  It has been a long, long time since I have done a link up, let alone a Write on Edge link up.  On its page Write on Edge shared the release (October 30, 2012) of  Precipice  which featured twenty-one short stories and essays by seventeen authors from the Write on Edge community.  Volumne Two was now open for submissions until April 2013.

“How cool is that!”  I instantly thought and forwarded the information to a friend knowing that if she was interested this would be an amazing opportunity for her…

“What about me…maybe…” my mind drifted.  “Seriously, Laverne, who wanted to read about mommy, 5 and 7 year old kid trials…”

As quickly as the email was sent a few Facebook updates shared the same link and their personal excitement to have a chance to be an author in the next book.  Excited for the chance for a friend’s voice to be published in a book, to see her stories,  I type how excited I was to see what she would write in the upcoming year.

I smiled as I hit the POST key and my mind began to swirl.

Write…Wow, I haven’t seriously written in a long time.  I think to myself.  I love to draw though.  I’ve had so much fun drawing.  I never want to loose that.  It is so hard to balance both.  Shouldn’t I just focus on one?  How can I focus on one when I love both so much?  My thoughts continue to swirl.  Is it really about the drawing?  Have I lost my nerve? Is my voice enough?  Are my words special enough?  Will anyone hear them?  Will anyone see them?  Will they matter to anyone but me? 

My thoughts begin to consume me, their evil whispers, the words that keep me from writing, that tell me not to bother.

A text comes in on my phone.

My lips curl into a half smile as I read it and I close my eyes.

She’s right, I thought.  Let the fear go.  Write for yourself.  Write often.  Just let it go. Remember all of the healing, the joy, the pleasure stringing together words to paint a picture for others to be embraced by brings you.  It is this voice that has given you so very much,  I remind myself.

My eyes surprise me and swell with tears.

the words say…


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Kiss a Moose…

I am having just so much fun drawing this guy.  I call him Moose.  As much as I love… I mean LOVE naming things and want to give him a fantastically, hilariously, goofy name…Moose seems just perfect.  Today Moose has gotten into the cupcakes.  The only way to save those sweet treats is to give up a kiss!

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12 Days of Joy: Day 5


For the last few weeks I have struggled to find balance between writing and drawing.  I often only have time for one, but I love both.   I absolutely love that I have both of them as creative outlets.  Today I bring you Moose.  Throw in a holiday cupcake and some bubbles and…well…so much fun!!!


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12 Days of Joy: Day 2 Inspiration


Kirsten Piccini of The Kir Corner is nothing new to this space.  I have talked about her often here.  Now if you told Kirsten that she was inspiring… no not inspiring… I would go so far as to call her my muse… she would smile (I imagine she would and share  huge pearly white make you have to smile too smile) and politely say, “Oh, Laverne it isn’t me that is inspiring it is you sweetie!”  Regardless of what she thinks, she inspires my quite frequently.  Someone who inspires me this often can only rightfully be described as my muse.

Which brings us all to her latest inspiration…

Kirsten had been going through a rough patch in November.  Painful life events, coupled with the changing seasons and some other things had left her sad.  I think it is something we all can relate to.  I know I can.  I had noticed in November the absence of her make you smile, then giggle, then cry posts (what!  a lot of her posts make me cry happy tears).  I also noticed that her fantastically written stories that took me to another place and left me lost in a world of romance, passion and emotion posts had been fewer.  Now the average reader may not suspect any change.   I likened it to the bustle of the holidays, working full time and being a mom/wife.  It often leaves very little time for blogging.  So when Kirsten shared her post on Facebook it not only made sense to me, but it  also inspired me!

You see wrapped up in the words of her Facebook post were also simple words about being deeply grateful for some of the things in her life.  As I read the post I was instantly moved to want to flood her with gratitude and joy.  Actually, I wanted to get in my car, drive out East, knock on her door, give her a huge hug and cry until it was all better.  Well, that wasn’t going to happen so I decided I was going to do a link up and we would all share our joy and show everyone that when we all look at life have a lot of good in it.  I was going to smother the blogosphere with happiness.

Note: When you have an idea to bring together tens of bloggers for a link up in December best not to have the idea 3 days before December… doesn’t work so well for planning and getting others on board.  Also, not the best idea to be overly ambitiously when planning.  For example,  aiming to post for 30 days in a row while working full time, spending time with my family and then thinking I was going to run a blog link up and promote it all.  I just going to go on pretending  that my ambitiousness is cute… but seriously what the HECK was I thinking.

So yesterday I began.  Little old me.  All by myself.  No link up.  No big promoting.  No 30 days.  Just me and my 12 days.  12 Days of Joy that I will share with whoever visits this space.  12 days of noticing the little things in my life.  12 days of noticing the little things we do everyday that we miss but when you really stop and notice bring you joy.  Most of all I will share my 12 days of joy for a friend I adore and who’s happiness and heart warms my life.  I will share because she reminded me how important it is to look and find joy in our lives!


12 Days of Joy: Day 1

The holidays ride into town each year. They bring to us gifts of emotions as different as the the ornaments that hang on our trees. Beginning December 13th I am going to reveal the delight each day holds as I count down the days leading up to Christmas. I can not wait to open the presents that each day will leave me!

12DaysWhat presents of joy have you been left?

I would love to hear about them!

Elf On The Shelf: A Love Letter

Back story:  Saturday started the first day of December.  This year it meant our family was getting its very first Elf on a Shelf {insert mother way way too excited for an Elf On The Shelf and a mother with way too many ideas…yeah me!).  After sharing several pictures on Instagram and Twitter I saw a post on Facebook by The Momalog and then this happened…

As I began to do some research I discovered that The Momalog’s elfette’s infatuation for my elf Alejandro went beyond a simple crush.  When I found this note that I realized the love they had for each other!

. . . . .

Mi Amante Noelle,                                                                                                                                        Oh how long it has been since we have been together.  I long for the days spent together just you and me.  The times we spent together just you and I.  We were two elves without a care in the world!!

Remember the days we spent sneaking and plotting our fun?I remember our mischievous times often.  They make me smile (and giggle) each time I think of them.  Oh the fun we had!
Since we have parted it has simply not been the same.   I now spend my days having new adventures and have thrown myself into my work.  My new family is nice enough.  They make me giggle and find joy in having me in their home.  Yet my longing for you leaves my heart aching.  Nothing quite completes me like being with you did!