They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…
It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.
Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes.
Minky {Moo}’s took her turn with her Instagram
Now it is Kim from Rubber Chicken Madness’s turn…
I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!
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I do not remember how I first “met” Kim over at Rubber Chicken Madness. I know it was when Kindred Adventures first became Kindred Adventures and I know it was on Twitter. I do remember instantly liking her. She had sass she was not afraid to dish, she was tough, she was dedicated and I (secretly) adored her. I continued to get to know her on Twitter. Mostly we would chat on Saturday mornings. We would share about our weeks and what was up in our lives. I learned about her single mother adventures of her two boys she calls “Thing 1” and “Thing 2”. I learned how she works two jobs to provide for her family. Then I began to read her blog and that is where her inspiration to me began. I started to visit her blog as much as I could. I found my self laughing out loud, smiled from ear to ear and had my heart deeply touched. I do not know if she would ever admit it, but she has a gift, she can dig deep and she can write beautifully moving posts.
Thanks to Kim and her nuggets of madness my brain began to go into over drive. I think the day I was inspired I constantly spewed ideas so frequently that Shirley’s head just began to bob in spontaneous agreement. I wanted a way to share our weekly adventures with others just like Kim. Her little nuggets inspired our Rear View Mirror. One month later we have posted 4 3 2 ? Rear View Mirror posts (I think a weekly schedule will ensure that I will write every Friday….HA!)
Today I look forward to our Friday Rear View Mirror (when I get around to writing them). I find myself taking mental notes of fun tidbits of life that go on all around me. Tidbits I can share on Friday. I find myself reflecting on specific moments, remembering them and really remembering details. Kim’s simple act of serving nuggets has made me want to serve ours too.