Her Nuggets

They were strangers the first time I “met” them. Today I find my adventures enriched, inspired and filled with laughter because of them…  

It started with Amy and Her #Sixthings.  

Then it was Kir and Her Cupcakes

Minky {Moo}’s took her turn with her Instagram

Now it is Kim from Rubber Chicken Madness’s turn…

I’ve been talking to strangers and what do you know I’ve made some friends!  

. . . . .

I do not remember how I first “met” Kim over at Rubber Chicken Madness.  I know it was when Kindred Adventures first became Kindred Adventures and I know it was on Twitter.  I do remember instantly liking her.  She had sass she was not afraid to dish, she was tough, she was dedicated and I (secretly) adored her.  I continued to get to know her on Twitter.  Mostly we would chat on Saturday mornings.  We would share about our weeks and what was up in our lives.   I learned about her single mother adventures of her two boys she calls “Thing 1” and “Thing 2”.  I learned how she works two jobs to provide for her family.  Then I began to read her blog and that is where her inspiration to me began.  I started to visit her blog as much as I could. I found my self laughing out loud, smiled from ear to ear and had my heart deeply touched.  I do not know if she would ever admit it, but she has a gift, she can dig deep and she can write beautifully moving posts.   

Spread The Madness…
Seriously she wants you to!!

In November 2011 Kim had an idea…. she would post Rubber Chicken Nuggets.  Every Friday she would post mini recaps of the weeks events.   It was genius.  I laughed as I learned what funny things she, her sons and her dog had gotten into.  I was hooked…. I was instantly inspired. I began to look forward to them.  Little glimpses of life beyond the daily posts, woven with funny sarcasm, pieces of nuggets I could eat up!  
Thanks to Kim and her nuggets of madness my brain began to go into over drive.  I think the day I was inspired I constantly spewed ideas so frequently that Shirley’s head just began to bob in spontaneous agreement.   I wanted a way to share our weekly adventures with others just like Kim.  Her little nuggets inspired our Rear View Mirror.  One month later we have posted 4 3 2 ? Rear View Mirror posts (I think a weekly schedule will ensure that I will write every Friday….HA!)

Today I look forward to our Friday Rear View Mirror 
(when I get around to writing them).  I find myself taking mental notes of fun tidbits of life that go on all around me.  Tidbits I can share on Friday.  I find myself reflecting on specific moments, remembering them and really remembering details.  Kim’s simple act of serving nuggets has made me want to serve ours too.

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