I Can Do It All By Myself

“Really? Sunday?! I don’t know,” he said with a deep sigh “Our Sunday is already so packed busy and there’s football. I’d miss it! “

“That’s okay. I talked to my friend and she said we can move it ourselves,” I replied confidently.

Sunday came along I was ready to do it all by myself.

“I’m coming with you,” he insisted. “I want to make sure you can drive that truck.”

“I’ll be fine. I’ve driven U-Haul moving truck before. I can do it,” I insisted back giving him the stare…you know… the I’m serious about this stare because…

I could do it all by myself!

“Ok, I’m still coming with you,” he said like he knew something I didn’t.

“Ok. If you really think you need to!” I answered.

We picked up the moving truck from the local U-Haul. It was big but not too big. I was confident that I could drive it myself. So what if it was raining cats and dogs. So what if I had to take the highway to get to my friends house. So what if I could only use the side mirrors to change lanes and couldn’t check my blind spots.

I was going to do it all by myself!

Satisfied that I would be okay driving the truck (or done arguing with me about what I can and cannot do) he followed me in the car to my friends house.

I managed to make it to my friends house without running anybody off the road, cutting anybody off, having to slam on the brakes, or causing any crashes…and I didn’t get lost!  Win Win Win!!

See I could do it myself!

Safe and sound at my friends house I could hardly wait to get it onto the truck and get it home.

“It doesn’t look too heavy,” I say with a smile looking up to see my husband give me the are you freakin’ kidding me look?!

An easy push down the short entryway to the front door, through the front door and over the first step…

“That wasn’t too bad!” I said smiling, “It was easy.”

We could have totally done this all by ourselves.

“Easy???” My husband said as sweat drips from his forehead.

“Maybe he lifted it more than I thought,” I considered for a second… “nahhhhhhh”

Down the second step my husband gives me another…seriously you really got this look… followed up with an I’m the real muscle here Carrie gaze.  I ignored him and kept pulling it down the sidewalk pathway toward the truck.

We could have totally done this all by ourselves.

Up steep ramp that it just barely fit up and almost fell off of.

On to the truck.

Secured in the truck.

Another 30 miles to our house.

As we backed the truck in our driveway, I remembered the ramp it would barely fit down, looked at the pathway to our front door, saw the two stairs up to our front doorway and was suddenly giddily relieved to see our neighbor pull in his driveway and over joyed when he asked if he could help because…





Heck Awesome Comments


8 Replies to “I Can Do It All By Myself”

  1. What a great piano – love the bench! Who plays at your house? Really, take all the help you can get when it comes to moving them, wheels or not those suckers are heavy! At least you can be proud you drove the truck 🙂

    My husband moved my grandmother’s (taller, older) piano from my aunt’s house for my birthday one year, in the snow – took 4 guys. He moved the snow so I never saw the tracks

    1. Thank you! No one plays yet but lessons are in my daughters futures. They are both so very excited to have it in our house. It was a bear to move. I really wanted it so bad I didn’t care how many excuses my husband had I wanted it darn it!!!! Thank goodness he helped!

  2. Giggle. Snort. Guffaw. I love your “can do” attitude!! Not me, baby. I’m like, “BRIIIIIIIIIIAN, HEEEELLLLLP MEEEEEEE!” LOL

    1. Abby my hubs was being such a stinker about it and I wanted it sooooooo bad I was bound and determined to get it to our house. Thank goodness he knew better and helped me. It would have been ugly. Think evil witch, house, wizard of oz….. Yikes!!!!

    1. Tracie I wanted that darn thing so bad no one was going to stop me….oh my goodness thank goodness he helped. It was a tough move!!!! I might have been able to do it myself 😉

    1. Leighann I am always happy to…delegate tasks but I knew if I didn’t dig in and really go for it I would never get the piano in our house…he helped and I got the piano… I guess I won! 😉

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