Passionately Optimistic

Its warmth starts in my belly and it rises to make chest. It grabs on tight. My breath is taken away just a bit. The energy inside me streams from my chest, through my shoulders prickles my elbows and tingle out my fingers.
I am passionate about life.

I love my life.

I embrace all the good it brings me.
There is good in everything.  Pain that life delivers can be survived. A bad day… there is always tomorrow to change it. Pain in your heart and anger fueled by jealousy for what I do not have, is healed by time. Money is tight, we will find a way. It will all work out. Not  happy with how something went, look deep, make a decision and use the strength you have to change it.

I am an optimist.

Time will always show you the good, even in the bad.
It will all work out.

My life infuse my days with passion and insist that I see all fantastic things that are in it.  I see life for all the good it has in it. It gives me hope, endless possibilities.  I grab onto life with passion. It gives me energy, zest.

I am fueled by my passion and by my optimism.

This Just.Be.Enough Post was inspired by the
new Just.Be.Enough Weekly Theme
This weeks theme: What Fuels You*
I am writing, posting and linking up to share my voice.
my part to carry the weight of confidence, empowerment and sharing the mission of empower, inspire and
remind women, parents and children that
the time has come to celebrate ourselves… myself!
It’s your turn now…
 *Next Weeks Theme: 
“5 Reasons to Smile” 
 (Remember you can also write on a topic of your choice.)

Heck Awesome Comments


One Reply to “Passionately Optimistic”

  1. Oh wow, first I was reading and saying ..this is just like me, the glass half full kind of girl I am…but then you slayed me…I adore Mary Englebreight…have her daily calendar on my desk, wall calendars on my cublicle and kitchen wall…I felt such a “friendship” with you today. I am so glad to have you as a new friend.

    Plus you are so right about this postc, that there is look on the bright side of life helps you to live better and be better as people. Love the enthusiam!!!!

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